Thursday, May 24, 2007

LOST BLOG: Recaps, predictions, and WHAT I GOT FROM LAST NIGHT'S Season FInale "Through The Looking Glass"

Wow, what a day!!!! Sorry to anyone trying to call me yesterday and found me in a Lost/Liverpool coma or didn’t answer at all…friggin’ INSANE day. Wow! I’m hurting. I feel so sick from the Liverpool game and I feel like my body has chills all over. Getting sick, I swear it. But, let’s talk!
Thank you to Brian, Jason, Rhem, and Vanessa for watching this and making it happen. Also, huge thank you to you guys and making my debut Season to the blog an amzzing one. We have seen major hits and the show and you prove this blog to be a hit. Karen, Levi, Jim, Jessi, CrazedJohn, Shawn, Sketchy, Bobb, Barbara, okay, I’m killing time here, but THANK YOU!!!! Exhausted, it’s 11:52pm, and expect no sleep from me tonight. Do you have any questions? I do!


WHAT I GOT FROM : “Through The Looking Glass”


WOW! What an amazing two hours last night. I think people got what they hell they had begged for week after week of bitching to ABC. DAMONCUSE did a brilliant job making the season finale, and coming up with one hell of an ending (still would like to see the other three ideas), but gave me EXACTLY what I wanted. Minus Tom dying. Friggin DEPRESSING! Why wasn’t Kate HIS type?! Who/what was he? AANND IIIIII, eeeeIIIIII, WILLLL ALWAAAAYS LOOOOOVE YOOOOOUUUUU! Yeah fake bearded bastard! Give us a hug!
This season finale was GO GO GO non-stop and was written and played out A+ all over. I need to thank everyone on the LOST team for making it great. Amazing work, and see you in Feb. ’08! Ya dummys! You can’t win with these people, I tell ya.


FlashForwards, FlashForwards!!! Why act so surprised as if we have never seen it before? Weren’t we all watching the same show this season? I mean I thought it was brilliant that Season 3’s finale would end with a FlashForward seeing as it STARTED with one. Also, you bastard-geeks with high heads at message boards want to argue with Karen!?!? You call the thunder and now you see what happens! Ha! Wow, Karen called this months ago and I am amazed. When talking to Karen last week, we re-watched “A Tale Of Two Cities” and she had me look between the lines. And yes! When first watching the episode in Oct., I got the weirdest feeling with Jack in the opening FlashBack scene where Jack’s watching Sarah. I’m not saying the whole “Tale Of Two Cities” flashbacks are FlashForwards, seeing as we see Christian Shepard. But we did see something with Jack last night and he was a little “not right” in the head in this episode.
Bear with me.
In “Tale Of Two Cities” I will breakdown the Flashbacks/forwards.
Scene One – Jack is watching Sarah in his Ford Jimmy type roadster, the same one he had last night! BAM! Sealed that one. Plus she has two kids. This may be waaaaay in future of what we saw last night. Might be the last shot we ever see of the show, but he gets right in the head, and says goodbye to Sarah for the final time. Locke needs to take notes form Jack, let people go John, see where it gets you.
Scene Two - Jack is talking to Sarah about the divorce, I’m guessing, since it’s about a lawyer being present, whom he fires. Sarah’s man, the father of her baby in the belly, in which we saw a pregnant Sarah last night. He calls her and asks if Jack was there yet. She laughs and I don’t think it’s at Jack’s behalf, but the fact it’s taken soooo looong for this divorce to be final. Since he crashed on the island, it’s not his fault, everyone thought he died on Oceanic 815, she had to wait a few months for him to get back.
Scene Three - Jack is arguing with his father. Well, last night he was arguing about his father and the fact Jack thought he was still alive. What if he is actually seeing his dad (loopy bastard), and talking to him. (not healthy, side effects from his pills?) We know, he sees him walking around the island. Christian tells him to stop trying to find Sarah. But she calls Christian, Jack loses his mind more and Christian even tells him to “let it go.”
Scene Four - Gets complicated, BUT! Jack sees his dad on the phone in the hospital hallway laughing and we hear “Dr. Shepard” form a nurse. We can only think Jack is staring off, delirious, BUT also, reminiscing of when his father was alive. THEN we hear the FlashBack music kick in (flashback intro music in a flashback…fishy) and in the same scene we see Christian getting out of his car at the Lynford Hotel, bringing us to our FIRST FLASHBACK of the season. Jack’s mind in the scene prior is playing out the flashback of what his father did BEFORE he got on the island. Something is not letting him go with his father. On the island, and now off of it.

Let’s get into last night’s episode now.
Jack’s on the plane in the opening scene, it was a LITTLE to easy that they gave it away in the beginning that it was a Flash Forward. The beard, “20 minutes is a long time”, the turbulence. Anyone else notice Damon Lindeloff’s voice as our trusty pilot on the plane. What threw me off was when Sarah walks in after the accident and she looks as if she had seen a ghost. But thinking about it, that’s not the first time she had seen him. It was even before the “Tale Of Two Cities” flash-forward where he meets up with her about the divorce. I think she just knows more than we do about Jack, and she’s DONE! Obviously. More to come.
Christian Shepard, from the scenes still makes me feel he’s dead. Jack is fixing, like Charlie, he will lie and forge his dad’s signature and it will make him see things. Jack is losing his mind, and FAST! As the story gets deeper last night, he argues about his father, as if that still has clout, and Dr. Hamill knows that Dr. Christian Shepard is deceased. Dr. Hamill gives Jack this, “come on man, your dad is dead dude, don’t bring that shit into this.” Jack isn’t healthy and more to come on that in these sections below.


Let’s talk about the newspaper clipping and the obituary. Well, this one is a doozy and I’m sure we all have our theories and thoughts. But, in my mind it isn’t anyone we have met yet. The man in the casket will be introduced in season 4. We need to understand that so many things were answered last night, but also, some new people will be reveled soon. The show did an amazing job (if this is the case) that we have not yet met who is in the coffin and will have a face to the newspaper clipping. Hell, it might be the man on the phone in the last scene on the island.
The newspaper clipping reads as follows: "Los Angeles, Man found.. [unreadable] downtown.. [unreadable], The body of Jo.. [unreadable] ..antham of New York was.. [unreadable] ..[shor]tly after 4 a.m. in the.. [unreadable] of Grand Avenue. Ted.. [unreadable] at The Tower.. [unreadable] .. heard loud noises.. [unreadable]..m's loft. Co.. [unreadable] ..entered the.. [unreadable] ..a beam in the.. [unreadable] ..[ac]cordin[g].. [unreadable].."

John, is the first name? So what if, and what if, John Locke is not his birth name? We’ve seen papers in screenshots indicating his full name is John Locke. But what happens when people come off the island, changing names maybe? I still feel we have yet to meet this dead so or so.


Desmond’s hit on the head in the last weeks episode “Greatest Hits.” Where does he go, because he wakes up and is so lost at where is when he wakes up. Where did Dessie go? Because when Desmond wakes up, Charlie is down in the hatch, still alive. So, where did Desmond go? I’ll keep asking. Why was nothing mentioned in this episode? Did he need to talk to Penny when she came up on the screen about finding her? Will the season opener be Desmond and where he went when he was knocked out my Charlie? Let’s NOT FORGET that he was knocked in the head!!!!!!!!!


When was the last time I type that title out? Wow! It’s been awhile! What did we see last night? Flash-forward AND on the Island. There is still a huge connection, and well, Jack says “Because I love you” to Kate. Now he might mean it as my main squeeze or you’re my pal, I love you, like Charlie tells Hurley. But, I love you was said. We know there will be a huge connection between the two in the next few months, so I guess we’re heading into a ABC wanting more love connections on the show. But, I have a feeling the real love connection will be between Kate and someone new coming in Season 4. Keep reading for more…


“I need you to help me, I need you to help clean up this mess that I have made. Cleaning up messes. Remind me that when Ben gets off the island to hire him as my maid service. I love the role switching we have going on here. Ben is now scared, no idea what’s going on. His mind is still racing on the whole Locke “hearing” Jacob, the radio tower, Alex betraying him, Juliet lying and going behind his back. A little too much on Ben’s plate. Sucks to be you Ben. But think why Ben is saying this…(next weeks BLOG POST! DUH DUH DUH!)


Not since “One Of Us” was there such an obvious “We have an anagram” for you. This one is a DOOZY! We have a big one. Now, we all go ANAGRAM TIME when we saw Hoffs/Drawlar last night. And trust me Karen pointed it out as well, and did it. Hoffs/Drawlar you get “Flash Forward”, BUT! Put Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Parlor and you get “Real Plan For Flash Forward” DUH DUH DUH!


Ben is scared out of his mind thinking Jack is making that call The communicartion barrier is broken and Dharma will want answers. Dharma is trying to stay communication free, so why the cut in the jamming? Dharma is on the phone to someone RIGHT NOW as I type this, but no one is answering. So who is coming out to see if things are okay? But, things aren’t okay, people are gone, PURGED!
Does he think that Dharma is just going to sit there and let a man kill everyone on the island and not try to come back? That Purge is coming back to rear it’s ugly head to Ben, and we may not have a Ben Linus with us much longer. Season 4 is going to be so AMAZING, it’s sick! Jack got on the cell, satellite phone and made a call to the Dharma Inactivate, if you will.
Now Naomi’s phone…that will let 2 people off the island. And Desmond got it wrong. Bye Jack and Kate.


Jack and Juliet kiss? Well, it was all her doing since in “A Tale Of Two Cities” she asks Jack what he wants to know about Sarah since being on the island, and all he asks is “Is she happy?” Well isn’t that sweet? She sees a love in him as he’s tearing up. He doesn’t care what she’s doing at this point, as long as she is happy. That turns any woman on, right? Weird.
This leads to Juliet seeing the honest and very lovable side of Jack. So the kiss wasn’t too far off. But in front of Kate and Juliet knowing Kate was watching. Why? Now that’s where it gets sneaky, and we can start with the asking “why”? It’s all part of Juliet. I know we feel it wasn’t placed well, and maybe should have been put in a few episodes prior, maybe when everyone starts doubting Jack, but I think Juliet knew she was going to die with Sawyer and sealed her confession with a kiss.
This kiss will come back to us in the future since Kate has a lot of baby to be had. Is it Sawyer’s baby? Is it someone from Season 4? This should connect with the The Last Scene about Kate to Jack.

WALT and who’s that SCREAMING

EeeeeeeeeeYEAHBOYYYYY! Amazing! But first things first!!! REWATCH ALERT! Re-watch this scene where John Locke has the gun to his head and we hear a WOMEN? MAN? KID? SOMEONE? screaming then you hear Walt say “Don’t John.” What is it? Why? John and I ask the same thing! WHY? And why is Walt telling Locke he’s got work to do? Is it because Walt is the one who needs saving in Boone/Locke hallucination? He needs to be saved and that’s ANOTHER reason that Locke can’t leave the island?


Sorry, to my loyal blog readers, COME ON!!!, you know I had to! Wizard Of Oz references will take over this blog at some point. BUT! Let’s point out that there’s no going home. Right? Getting off the island? Wrong!!!
Yes, you can go home, but no one is allowed to. Who really wants to? Ben has no home to go to. Jack, as Ben tells him is “what is it you so desperately want to get back to? You have no one, you’re fathers dead, you’re wife left you for another man“, Locke doesn’t want to go home. So what gives with “home: and the “island”? You can go back home, but what Ben I think sticks true, why do you want to? This is your home!
So let’s go back to these Flash Forwards then. Jack needs to get back to the island right? Why? Is it his home now? Did he not correct things?


Sawyer and Juliet huh? Nice! LOVE IT! Hurley kills someone with intent, not good, very sad about that. BUT, Jin, Sayid and Bernard still alive and we have more than enough men to help the Lostaways if anything happens. Plus 10+ more hostiles going to a temple? More to come!
Sayid on your team, not too shabby if you ask me. Sawyer and Jin, bring it on! Hurley becoming a leader and Juliet has met her match. This is just BRILLIANT! Season 4…wowowow!


Did anyone else ask WHY does Penny have a direct line to the Looking Glass, and she asks “How did you get this frequency?” I am dying here, so who is watching Penny so carefully? Also, when Desmond is running into the hatch door, it seems like he planned this. Seriously. He looks over to notice that Mikhail is gone, that’s his cue to Penny being on the monitor. All he has to do is yell to Charlie,”Hey Charlie! Mikhail is missing!!!” and Charlie would have his dukes up ready. But,no, he runs up knowing Penny is on the monitor.
Did he plan it when Charlie hit him on the head? Did Charlie accidentally play out the fate differently? Did Desmond switch it up when he was hit in the head on the boat, and then he got hit there, and all. There other scenarios to work this one out.
What about Penny really being part of something more? She is at the monastery meeting Desmond for the first time, and her father works with the Brother Campbell in buying wine. There are too many connections with Penny Widmore to just think she got a direct line to the Looking Glass accidentally. Her father’s medicine is all over the island, and probably fronts Dharma. Plus she’s THE ONE WHO IS SENDING THE INCOMING TRANSMISSION. ARE YOU KIDDING?! CHARLIE?!?!? WHAT’S UP!?!?! MAN, this kills me sometimes!
So she got the frequency at this point. Why doesn’t Charlie ask “How did YOU get this frequency sista?” Also, look behind her for shits sake, IT’S A SET!!! That background looks worse than a James Bond film from the 1960’s. She’s a front!


Charlie Pace is dead. The music proves it. BUT, Desmond getting hit in the head, and Desmond not being able to talk to Penny, proves it wrong. I know so many of you said last night, why would he slam the door, it would take hours for the hatch to fill up with water from the small hole Mikhail let in. Charlie is playing out his destiny. He doesn’t know better. But Desmond knows more is to come. Desmond smiles and agrees with Charlie’s message, so maybe this hitting his head prior to going to the hatch means more in season 4. Hopefully this will be our Season 4 opening episode. A Desmond FlashBack, Flash Present with Penny, Charlie and all.
Sorry I’m not crying about Charlie in this section, but I feel Charlie saved his life by hitting Desmond in the head in the last episode.


Uh, Locke? Did you kill someone? No, right? Damn! YES! You did! This was a season finale enough for me, Jesus it was scary. What is up with Locke and killing someone? Did the tables turn with him switching with someone. Or does it just take getting shot in the stomach and lying in a pile of dead skeletons do something to you?
But, what is it that Ben said though two weeks ago? “Once I open this door, there’s no turning back.” Well, Locke knows more than we know with Naomi and the phone. Locke DOESN’T have to leave if he doesn’t want to, but he needs Jack to help him. Between Jack and Locke, “he” doesn’t have much time, but someone needs, and will be saved.


Sorry a lot of the quotes will be in here since this is such a HUUUGE deal. They both say a lot of things. Jack mentions Old Habits. Kate mentions “why would I go to the funeral?” Who screwed her over? Who was it? Someone she loved? Someone Jack helped and then screwed her over? Kate said “he’s going to wonder where I am?” Well we now know Kate has a baby BOY! No one is waiting up for her.
But the main thing is the POLAR opposites these two pull. Notice that Jack is the one who keeps moving with his golden ticket Oceanic pass. Wasn’t it Jack that said it to her that KATE! couldn’t stop moving from place to place in Season One? And we saw in every flashback she had, all the moving she did, not just from the Feds, but in her mind. Cheesy I know, but true!
This was one of the saddest tings I have ever seen in filmed TV history. Some of the most amazing things were said, and sweetest. Or was it sweet? Kate thinks of it as Jack falling for her still, and still pinning over her love. But really deep down inside Jack knows he messed up so much on the island and needs to rescue, help, save his friends? Or kill Ben? Destroy the Island? Something more than just Kate’s love. This is massive, and read between the lines.


Ben (to Mikhail, obviously) - ”Mikhail, I need you to go NOOW!” - The scared Ben, loving it. Admitting he’s lying, even better. Ben is going down this spiral staircase SOOOO fast, it sucks it was a season finale. Re-listen to him talking. Sad.

Rose (to Jack) - If you say Live Together, Die Alone, I’m going to punch you in the face - Amazing. But not in this episode. We almost feel so completely sorry for Jack in so many ways. I almost agree with Jack at this point with Live Together, Die Alone…look at them. But, the team splits up which makes complete sense.

Ben (to Richard) - ”You’re going to take everyone to the temple as planned” - THE TEMPLE? What temple? And this whole “as planned”? Uh, Ben your plans haven’t been working to well, you think you really want to do this? But, this actually seems like the only plan that will work. Now we have two sides and a castaway sandwich. Temple with 10 or so hostiles, and the beach with 5 lostaways, Desmond and a Juliet.

Kate (to Sawyer) - ”And since when did you start calling me Kate? - Air Supply said it best. “I’m all out of love, and I’m so lost without you.” He doesn’t know what to do with you.

Dr. Rob Hammil (to Jack) - Jack Shepard, the hero, twice over - Damn you BKV and DamonCuse!!!! DAMN YOU! So was Jack coming back from Oceanic 815 being a hero, and then saving the woman on the bridge. Or saving Sarah and the woman on the bridge? Do people not know about Jack going on the island? Hmmm…twice over!! Grrr!

Mikhail (to Bonnie and Greta) - I thought you two were on assignment in Canada!! - Hostiles are everywhere!!! What’s in Canada? Cheaper pharmaceutical drugs, we know that, but why were the girls posed to be in Canada? Makes NO sense, but will make so much sense in Season 5 I’m sure. Ha! Let’s not forget Canada! Not in Portland, let’s just remember that!!!

Ben (to Jack) – “History is about to repeat itself” - Yup! But this time, it’s Dharma going to kick Ben right in the ass! It’s not the Naomi phone that will be bring danger, but it’s the fact that now that the communication is unjammed, then Dharma now knows something is wrong. They will come to the island after they realize no one is answering the Looking Glass, send people out and realize that no one is left alive from Dharma and send a party out to kill Ben. Dharma is MUCH bigger than we know. We have two parties coming to this island now. Amazing! More in the next blog.

Jack (to Kate) - ”We’ll celebrate when were home” Will ya now? It doesn’t seem like you are. This doesn’t seem like a party to me Jack. I can’t wait to see how this pans out in the next season!

NO UNANSWERED QUESTIONS THIS WEEK, I have to give you something to look forward to for next week! Wait, what’s next week?!??!!

I will be posting EVERY Thursday morning to recap things. The LOST BLOG will not be gone, so stay tuned for more. I have made this commitment to post every week until 2010. I will let you guys down EVER! At first I felt I was a Jack of blogs, but nevermind to that, after seeing last night. Maybe this blog will drive me to drink and seeing my father walking around my backyard. Creepy. But!
NEXT WEEK will be my WHAT I EXPECT from Season 3 to Season 4 and “Through The Looking Glass”


Thank you so so so so much for all of you, love you very much and thanks for helping me keep this blog going! Stay in touch. And keep reading. Vanessa and I will be posting and keeping it up.
“Previously On Lost” in 2008!!!!!

PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.

(see you next week!!!!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SONG OF THE WEEK: Download available

Thank you John Locke’s Love Child (ha! Won’t give out names), Vanessa, Shawn, Solari, Brian DeShannon, Jason, Buz, Levi, (blue man!), Bobb, for watching and supporting me and the Reds for this game today. This blog post is for you!!!

Champions League Final is here!! Scary, very scary. Today will be a HUGE day for me. Liverpool has to beat AC Milan again, for another Champions League Cup, plus, I have the LOST SEASON FINALE on the brain. But, I do have to take a breath and enjoy the best team/squad Liverpool has had in years. I guess, the most powerful team.
The best LIVERPOOL team is hard to say. But, there were so many amazing men to have played Anfield in the past decade and change, that make them the greatest team EVER. My SONG OF THE WEEK gets into the passion and boys of Anfield and Liverpool. Let’s begin.


BILLY DUNLOP 1895-1909
A brilliant defender who joined Liverpool FC in 1895 and played over 300 games with the Reds. Spent 14 years with Liverpool bringing them two Champions League medals. A name to never forget. THANK YOU SO MUCH BILLY!!!!

JACK COX 1898-1909
One hell of a winger this man. I wish I could be like Desmond on Lost and bump my head to go back to see Cox and Dunlop play. Cox joined Liverpool FC in 1898, and gave them some amazing 11 years, 321 games, and 81 goals. For a winger, that’s mighty impressive. Cheers Cox!

The hat-trick hero for Liverpool. This man scored 240 goals in 378 appearances. You do the math. Hodgson had 17 hat tricks in the eleven years he played for the team. Also known for his 36 goals in one season. Brilliant striker and a name that everyone should remember when talking about the “best” strikers EVER, not just for the REDS. Thank you so much Gordy for everything making this team incredible.

BILLY LIDDEL 1939-1961
A name to never ever forget! A LEGEND!!!!! Played 494 games, and scores 216 goals in the 22 years he played with Liverpool FC. Another winger who blew everyone at the Kop away. AGAIN! A HUGE THANK YOU TO THIS MAN!!! Brilliant! Playing for so long, I think Liddell will bring us to…


BILL SHANKLY 1959-1974
Genius, ABOSOLUT GENIUS! Here is a name that the Mersey will NEVER FORGET! Here is my only profile on a manager and manager only who brought Liverpool to the top many times. Retired at Anfield and the Merseryside will never forget this man. Maybe one of the best managers ever, but brought such a heart to Anfield, thank you SHANKLY!! After spending a year or two at other teams, he stayed with Liverpool for 15 years.

BOB PAISLEY 1939-1954
These are the Paisley Gates that the song is talking about. This is the man who brought the 1977 Euro Cup into Liverpool’s hands. Nine years with Liverpool, and ONLY Liverpool. Paisley came in when Bill Shankly abruptly called for his retirement in 1974, and left the Kopites confused. Even though with confusion, he still shined supreme.

IAN CALLAGHAN 1960 - 1978
This man helped keep Shankly going to be one of the greatest managers, by being one of the, maybe is the greatest midfielders Liverpool has even seen. The man played 856 games for Liverpool and for me, he is considered the legend of ALL legends when it comes to LIVERPOOL!!! Also, a bit of Liverpool trivia, the man was only booked ONCE, in his career at Liverpool. After 18 years playing for Liverpool he retired from English football going to Fort Lauderdale. Why?

Fantastic, fantastic striker! Wow. Brought from Celtic, this man played his 13 years at Anfield and managed them from 1985-1991, resigning from football playing to manage other English Premier Teams, then resigned at home, Celtic in 2000. Dalglish joined Paisley to play with Liverpool in 1976-77, helping get that 1977 Euro Cup. Little Liverpool trivia, he was brought in as a replacement for Kevin Keegan. Then winning the 1977-78 Euro Cup again as the main striker, and only goal of the game. Don’t forget the name! Let’s not forget the FA CUP final against Everton in the 3 -1 win in that derby! WOW!

RAY CLEMENCE 1967-1981
You have to give the biggest and utmost love and respect to this GOALKEEPER for staying so long and playing 470 games for the Reds. This man, to me, is considered a 5 star hotel…king of CLEAN SHEETS (which means he doesn’t let any goals in one game)!!!!


I’m going to have to give the boys of today only one profile to an individual who will be retiring today at Anfield. I know, I know he’s done this before, but he did say he would play other clubs for five years and come back to retire at Anfield in this season. I love this man, and he is a legend to Anfield who will be missed. Scoring 128 goals for the Reds as of to date.


From here I will post on the boys who will be playing today’s game and the boys who have been injured and will be missed. This is one of the most aggressive (thanks Alonso, Sissoko, Bellamy), experienced (Carragher, Hyypia, Riise, Fowler and Gerrard) squads to date for Liverpool.

Top Level (in HOME KIT = RED/ORANGE ONLY in order) –
DIRK KUYT (First player in red) - Excellent Striker…expect him to play today! And get us a goal!
PEPE RENIA (2nd in Orange) – BRILIANT KEEPER!!! Expect NO goals to get by him in today while wearing the HOME KIT!
HARRY KEWELL (last one in red) – LOOK WHO’S BACK!!! Brilliant midfielder bringing us some powerful defending and maybe that goal he’s always wanted in a Champions (Euro) Cup Final!!!

Middle Level (in HOME KIT = RED KITS ONLY in order) –
JERMAINE PENNANT – (1st red player) – Great great cross action, needed on the wing and maybe get a header in from Peter Crouch.
ROBBIE FOWLER– (4th, middle, red kit) – As we know! Bye bye Robbie, you’ll be missed! Bring tissues to the game!
CRAIG BELLAMY (last red kit, 6th) – Oye! I don’t know what to say about this twat, but he proved himself worthy when he AND Riise scored in the Quater-Finals in the 1st game against Barcelona. And this was after Riise was clubbed in the knee with a golfclub by Bellamy. Yup! Just get up front and get that goal you are promising, then leave!

Bottom Level (in HOME KIT = RED KITS ONLY in order) –
ZENDEN (1st red kit) – (won’t play) Injured, but still pulling off some great magic here and there.
LUIS GARCIA! (2nd sitting) – (won’t play) BRILLIANT Spaniard!!! INJURED and will be very very very much missed. I will kiss my thumb for you any day…I wish you would be better soon. Heard some very scary news about his knee/leg, wish him the best.
STEVE FINNAN (3rd sitting) – WILL PLAY! And better calm down getting that ball up field. QUIT kicking it all the way up. Passing is ace when you have such an AMAZING back with you.
XABI ALONSO – (4th sitting) – Aggressive and will take control of AC Milan’s KAKA. Everyone thinks Gerrard will be in charge of that, but WATCH for him…who happens to be next.
STEVIE G!!! – (5th sitting) – A LEGEND AND A GENUIS!!! You have to know who this is by now. Did you watch the World Cup? Oye, I hope not, but did you watch last season? Did you see the FA CUP final against West Ham last season with that brilliant tying goal in injury/stoppage time. THE BEST! Expect him to get up the field and kick some crackers. He deserves his own page, but for today, he will play what words can’t be typed.
JAIME CARRAGHER - (6th red kit sitting) – A legend, the greatest defender to play the number 23. Okay, a little too much, but still, he is a genius with the left-one foot tackles. No need to slide when you have this beast stop that ball in your tracks every time. Watch this man not allow any balls pass him. Genius!
SAMI HYYPIA - (7th red kit sitting) – Oh man, this man next Jamie Carragher is yet another reason AC Milan won’t score. And maybe even get lucky to have Sami score. This man’s headers are unbelievable when they go in. Don’t hold it against him, we may see a corner that meets that head, and it’s UNSTOPPABLE!
Momo SISSOKO – (8th red kit sitting) – Oh man! Watch out AC Milan, this man has Gerrard’s back, and it will not be pretty. Very dangerous player, a yellow card may be issued, but hey, it’s the final, why not!
John Arne RIISE – (9th red kit sitting) – GET READY FOR A ROCKET! Wow! Will you be honored to see why this man is always on the top 10 lists of goals of the year? He has some of the most incredible rocket foots EVER. Also, one the best defenders. The back four have nothing to worry about. Just look! Hyypia, Carragher, Riise, and Finnan. WOW! Forget it AC MILAN! OUT!
Peter CROUCH – (last one sitting) – Brilliant brilliant brilliant striker. Yes you have heard of this man, from his headers, crazy height and robo dancing before the World Cup. Crouchy is ready and I expect a goal from this man. If we had to pick two strikers to play, I would say Bellamy and Crouch. Make Bellamy feel special, but at the 65th minute, you put in Kuyt and expect another goal from fresh legs and much anticipation.

THAT’S IT! You’re winning STARTING 11, plus more! Wow, I cannot believe I just did all this. Ha! But this game is so important and this next season coming up August will be their shinning year. I hope to have a great summer hearing news that Benitez (manager) bringing in some great legs.

Some other amazing players I couldn’t mention…

Ian Rush – brilliant forward, deserves to hold the cup today with our squad.
Steve Nichol – who is the New England Revolution’s manager/coach! Great coach, great team!!!
Michael Owen - Of course I can’t forget this man. Stevie G and Owen were the most powerful force. Wish I could have seen more games of theirs. Damn you American Sports channels.
Kevin Keegan - 100 goals for this man in 7 years. Great forward! Congrats. Very special man for the Reds.

If you need anything and want to know more about Liverpool…Wikipedia always helps, but their main site is

Well, this is a JUMP OFF/SONG OF THE WEEK section…and I do promise you a song. One of the greatest chants that’s also the reason why the heart and passion of Liverpool will never die. Not like ANY OTHER league team, Liverpool know who they are playing for, and the reason why they are scoring goals. To hear the cheers of millions of fans world wide. It’s not the money (seeing as they don’t really need it to keep the best players in the world). Just remember how many years these players stay and keep scoring for them.

This is an older song, but wow, this is a chant that will bring goosebumps every time. If you read about some of the key players I mentioned, you will get it and love every minute of this team and their style and passion of football.

Last thing before I post the song is ENJOY the game. No matter what happens remember that the teams playing have come a long way. I do not enjoy and very much despise Italy’s way of playing the game and hooliganism. I wish the best for both teams and make it friendly. What has happened in Italy in the past year is disgusting and let’s pray no one gets hurt and the crowd is on their best behavior. This is not only important to Liverpool fans, but Liverpool have to bring the Cup home to England.


DOWNLOAD “Fields Of Anfield Road” HERE!!!


Monday, May 21, 2007

ARCTIC MONKEY'S LIVE @ Harc Rock Live Orlando (Setlist, Review)

Finally finally finally got to the Arctic Monkeys live. Even though it was in Orlando, Fl. So it wasn’t too fair, but I did get to see a band with balls, umph, and brilliant rock songs. But a 1/3 of it was missing. And I was expecting them to have that British Rock Band Form of no movement. It was minimal, but I do understand that it’s the last night of the tour and all. Plus NO ENCORES!!! THANK YOU! Hate those friggin’ things.
Form, and they did, but still having it at the Hard Rock Live, you heard EVERY note and EVERY word. Brilliant sound, lights, and decent crowd.

Here is the setlist for the show so you can see they played for ten minutes more than an hour.

1) If You Found This It’s Probably Too Late
2) BrianStorm
3) Still Take You Home
4) Dancing Shoes
5) From The Ritz To Rubble
6) Balaclava (goes RIGHT into)
7) Fake Tales Of San Francisco
8) You Probably Couldn’t See For The Lights, But You Were Looking Straight At Me
9) Teddy Picker
10) D Is For Dangerous
11) I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor
12) This House Is A Circus
13) Old Yellow Bricks
14) If You Were There, Beware
15) The View From The Afternoon
16) Fluorescent Adolescent
17) When The Sun Comes Down
18) Leave Before The Lights Come On
19) A Certain Romance

It was genius having Ben who knew the first alum standing up front with me singing those songs, and having Brian and Solari with me bouncing and singing. Vanessa and Heather we’re up against the front bar, so we had a great crowd with us. I wish I could have pictures of the set. Great lighting with 2/3 of the show, nothing annoying, and fit with the music. Also, Nick O’Malley’s (drummers) Dr. Dre shirt was friggin’ ACES! Ha!
Thank you to a great crowd who knew every word. I lost my voice AGAIN. Something about me and singing the Monkeys. Last time was the bachelor party with Ben singing “Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor” at karaoke. Go see these guys. Buy up some albums, singing some songs, and enjoy a fun live show. Brilliant!
We had fun chanting ANTI-Sheffield United chants and trying to get Alex into the crowd more, chance. We did make eye contact during Leave Before The Lights Come On holding up my Liverpool shirt and screaming Down With The Blades. I know Alex Turner is a HUGE Sheffield Weds. fan, so gonna give props to a proper football fan in the States.

GOOOOD TIMES! Thanks everyone!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

LOST BLOG: Recaps, predictions, and WHAT I GOT FROM LAST NIGHT'S "Man Behind The Curtain"

HOOOORAY BOBBY ROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats buddy! When young Ben got onto the island it felt like his feature film “Berkeley”, made me smile. Now I need to start season 1 of Prison Break for the guy.


Ummmmm….what JUST happened?

I’m starting off this blog after watching the episode ONCE and then I will re-watch. I really felt like this episode was a cheap shot in some ways to answer questions. I have yet to feel comfortable to see that this was our first look at Ben, Dharma and hostiles. Where were Adam, Eve, Karen, Gerald? BUT, we did see an Emily!!! So let me re-watch and get back to you…

Disclaimer: It is 1am as I write this, and my parents are coming over at 7am, I need to finish this blog, but I am seriously exhausted. Wedding in 4 days!!!! Maybe I can hit my head and go back.

WHAT I GOT FROM: “The Man Behind The Curtain”

EMILY AND ROGER LINUS and some theories

The episode opens with Emily giving birth to Benjamin Linus. Something seems fishy (biscuits) here, and when I BEGGED for Emily, I didn’t mean diss me on the whole Locke theory. What happened to the whole Emily Annabeth, and why no mention of Locke? But, let’s remember that Emily Annabeth was admitted to the Santa Rosa Mental Institution (for schizophrenia) with Hurley, Lenny, Dave, and Libby. So what gives? I guess deep down inside we will never know who Locke’s REAL mother is anytime soon.
More something seems fishy. Ben lies! We know this, so when Ben told Locke he wasn’t born on the island…was he still lying? Maybe the flash backs are not what they seem, but something the island is trying to tell the person the flashback focuses on, this time Ben, a more fabricated story then they know, or believe. This may seem like a crazy theory. But WHAT IF Ben was born on the island?
Or, he’s born 32 miles out of Portland, not born on the island and Emily dies. Then what the HELL were Olivia and Horace of the Dharma doing? We think we know Mittelos Bioscience is based out of Portland, but where and why were they there if Richard is a hostile?
If you haven’t noticed this blog post will be all questions right? Plus we have the unanswered questions section…so what does one do?
Okay! Re-watching this episode, I got this out of it. She was 7 months pregnant with Ben, they knew she was going to give birth any second now and were following them. So, they WATCH Roger and Emily, know when to pull the car up. Can we say “injection victim?” and we know nothing of their past. Was Emily part of it, leaving Roger out of it?
Ben sees his Mom at night next to the barrier. She gives him the line “It’s not time yet”, and when is that? Yet another dead relative guiding someone around the island.
Also, let’s give a HUGE round of applause for Doug Hutchison for making it to LOST playing Horace (RULES!) and Samantha Mathis, ha! Weird. But…


As Ben is bitching with Richard and the “not so well planned” tape recorder Purge 2, John Locke comes back with a dead body. I looove how all the hostiles are gathering in awe. Amazing. What do these hostiles know that we don’t?


What I’m guessing with this episode is that we might not tackle so much of the Dharma’s early years again, so what we saw tonight, is what we get. Horace was one of the originals, with his wife Olivia. On Horace’s jumpsuit, it says he’s a “Mathematician” meaning, NUMBERS!!! Was he the one working on the numbers? Will we ever see


Mikhail comes running in at top speed screaming about Naomi, which had Ben almost change his plans and infiltrating the Lostaways camp. Something is up with Naomi, not the fact that there is a boat 180 miles off to the west or a radio. Someone came onto the island, without HIS permission. But, John Locke has to go and mess things up again and take it out on something else, instead of letting Ben do his job.
Richard and Tom refuse to help Ben, and at this point, when Mikhail says “Since when do you answer to him”, everyone is thinking, finally there’s someone else we can answer to. HIM! The camp sees Locke come in with a dead body and they think “He IS who we thought he was!!!”, and then pummel Mikhail bloody and probably thinking “I hate that guy too, go Locke!”
The reason Richard and Tom, nor anyone for that matter helps Ben is, that they are done with Ben. These past few days on the island have been a little to abrupt in the “Ben’s not cool” club, what gives? Seems fishy again! But, we know someone else who is done with Ben, and man did that get extremely creepy. More to come.


A few things really quick. She had a gun, gave it to Locke, says “Happy Birthday DAD”, and walks off…was Rousseau close by? If the Hostile Camp is taking off, where is Rousseau and the dynamite? Is Alex still hanging out with Karl? So many questions with Alex…when will these be answered. You can work so well with her, and the producers aren’t. USE HER and her potential.


Volcanos? On this island? Long time ago? You mean when the four-toed statues were still standing and connected to a leg with another leg, and full body? Quick question Miss Oliva!!! Where the HELL are we Miss Olivia Goodspeed?


Annie was Ben’s first love and nothing came out of it, but a great connection between Annie and Ben. So, BEN DOESN’T DIE!!! We need more back story before we kill him off. Right? This was a decent way to intro Ben to the island, but THIS CAN NOT be the ONLY flashback of Ben’s we get. NO WAY! There is more to come out of it. But it makes so much sense for Ben to die in the next few episodes.
Annie was sweet and you know something major happened to her. But did she die during the Purge? Wouldn’t a ten year boy actually tell the girl he’s crushing on to wear a gas mask. Yeah? Right?! I don’t think Annie died, is there going to be more with her?
There should be since we didn’t see her body in the Purge, and we don’t see who her parents are. Who is Annie besides Ben’s first crush?
We see in Ben’s home a shot of the doll of Annie when he is much older. There is no Annie, and there is a sad face on Ben. Does this mean she’s gone, dead, alive, now part of this purge?


I will try to have these translated and put on the blog VERY SOON! These are a must!


What a GREAT scene, wow! Chills! The interaction between these two was great, and seems like it will open up more with Ben, instead of him being this guy who was born there, defending his island. This interaction proves that ben is special in a way. Richard knows it, since he’s special, I mean the guy CAN’T age on the island!!!! So, we have a special one, the ONE who was born by Roger and Emily Linus, the same kid we hear about from the Dharma crew of DeGroots and Goodspeeds. Same ONE!
But, things are not what they seem. Yes, Richard, you are happy he hears whispers and sees Mom, but what you got your hands on, is one stone cold asshole. You didn’t expect this, but it did lead to you getting you’re true prophet and not Ben.
The TEST for Ben and seriously, this was brilliant. Ben FINALLY was put to a TEST, and waaaay before ANYONE else had. Alpert put Ben up to a test like Sawyer would have to, but thought Locke would pull through. Let’s remember this. Ben puts Locke up to killing HIS father (since Ben didn’t want to be the only one I guess), BUT, Alpert doesn’t want someone going through what Ben had to, so he makes Locke get Sawyer to do it. Ben loses his special power since he kills his dad, the island takes it away from him. Leading to…


We saw Jacob, but barely. And I feel what I said two weeks ago still feels strong for me that we’d HEAR Jacob more than see him. BAM! Very true. The “Help me” was very very important. Back to Locke and Ben, Ben used to be able to see Jacob and I feel I was right about Richard Alpert being the apprentice to Jacob. Richard has all this trust in Ben and knows Ben will do anything for him. Richard helps raise Ben in many ways, cause his dad is a drunk ass. Richard puts him up to the test, and then one day Ben goes to see Jacob and no longer can see him or talk to him. Ben goes crazy leaving Richard to put this “PORTECTIVE POWDER” down on the ground around the hut. (in the hut…painting of a DOG, and some jars with some liquid).
Ben takes Locke there, but KNOWS since Locke KILLED his DAD, that he wouldn’t be able to SEE or HEAR Jacob. He says “you’re too limited”, and Ben finally starts to believe it, but then Locke hears “HELP ME!” which comes to why is Jacob, the answers to the island needs LOCKE? LOCKE?! Why Locke? What is Ben doing to Jacob? So many question here, very very amazing.
Locke then turns to the light (flashlight) and the truth comes out. Jacob appears. But look at Ben when Jacob goes nuts, he was never expecting it. (NOW BEFORE YOU GO NUTS THINKING THAT THE BLACK SMOKE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAIR…it was the middle of the flashlight’s bulb) Ben’s face when Locke sees “himself?” is as shocking as ours. He didn’t expect to see Jacob, or expect Jacob to come out, because of Locke’s fate on killing dad. We get a screenshot of an eye, and it looks right into Lockes and Locke BOOKS it out the door. What did Locke see before running out? Ben comes out now knowing that EVERYTHING he’s done for this island, is now GONE! Comes out so slow and sad. Ben has met his match…GREAT SCENE!!!
What a weird way to have Psycho brought into the show. Talking to an empty chair like Bates did to his Mom?
Was Jacob really John Locke? Alvar Hanso? Why was the flashlight the only way you can see him?


Ben is in his jumpsuit that says Work Man, and I feel Ben has been there for years and he’s JUST like his dad. Nothing better than what his dad called a janitor. Dad NEVER moved up in the decades on the island and Ben feels with Dharma, neither would he. He wants BIGGER and BETTER and knows that the Hostiles will give it to him. He’s put to the test, and PASSES with flying colors. Dead dad, now could be a leader for the Hostiles, under Alpert.


Pretty sad, and pretty sick. Stack em up and let them rot. Ben, mentions he’s smarter than Locke, in jealousy. Ben shoots Locke to leave him to die. And we get the truth in 24 frames or less. Ben’s face when he hears Jacob really spoke to Locke. So good!

Horace (to Roger) ”How’s the baby?” - The baby seems okay, he’s alive if you notice he’s crying. But why the baby worrying when a woman is dying in front of you? Plus, why look at Olivia like that? Oh, because she was injected!!!!! (read above once more to Emily & Roger Linus).

Ben (to Richard) ”You do remember birthdays, don’t you Richard?” - I guess not you silly guy Ben you! Uh, wow, whatta joker! This one reeeeallly threw EVERYONE into a loop. I mean, we were supposed to think Ben was being a prick and that Richard is done with him. AND Richard IS done with him, but the question here is…Richard Alpert doesn’t age. Why? How? What? HELP ME! It’s 1:16am, and my Mom and step-dad knock on our door in 5 hours. No sleep tonight. Seriously.

Ben (To John) - We all answer to someone John.” - Yes Ben, many many people answer to someone higher than you. But who does Alva Hanso ever have to answer to?

Roger (to Horace), Horace (back to Roger) - He don’t say much.” “I’m sure he will when he has something to say.” - I know I joke when I say the island doesn’t work with much, but what it knows, With Apollo Bars, the numbers, Expose, Widmore, etc…but what about dialogue? Yes, we have heard this before. BOONE said it to Locke in the sweat lodge hallucination vision I posted yesterday. Things will be coming around full circle soon.

Annie (To younger Ben) - “We can have as many as we want” - There’s those Apollo bars again! And why can these kids have AS MANY as they want? If a kid dreams it, does it appear? Okay, a little far fetched, but I still love the idea of that being why the are no kids there. Walt imagined a Polar Bear from his comic, and got it.

Mikhail (to Ben) – “Since when do you explain yourself to HIM?” - You heard right folks! This was the HUGE hint that Locke may be the HIM we’ve been waiting for. Wasn’t expecting Mikhail to be so crazy up in arms in this scene.

Locke (To Ben) - ”I guess there’s a first time for everything.” - On this island, there has to be a first time for everything, so there can be a second time and third, maybe re-live over and over again for everything. I know this makes no sense, but think about time and space and the island. I love this line.

Richard Alpert 25 years ago (to young Ben) - ”Do you even know what that word means? - Hostiles huh? I guess not Richard Alpert. Mikhail told us that DHARMA was the one who tried to kill the “others” or “Hostiles” in the purge…but we see it was the “other” way around. We get on this island and it’s all NAMASTE!, and peace, love, beer. So, do NOT trust these “hostiles” at all. Mikhail was lying through his teeth, since all he wanted to do was get Kate and Sayid out of the Flame. We’re there two fights in this episode. The scene in the classroom, was that the warning? And then the gas was the purge?

Ben (to Locke) - ”Jacob feels the same way about technology like you do.” - More hints of Locke being Jacob.

Ben (to Locke)) - ”Are you sure this is what you want?” - Are you sure this is what YOU want Ben? Afraid of the truth, to see if Locke can reeeeallly see Jacob? What if you are wrong about Locke? I guess that’s what Ben’s gun is for.

PREDICTIONS (not many, I have to go, Mom is HERE!)
- Richard Alpert saves Locke when Ben comes back without a Locke
- Richard knows Locke didn’t kill dad, and Ben might have killed Locke.
- The camp sets up to stop the war, but the camp is still split up.
- Charlie, Charlie, Charlie

- Is Emily Locke’s mom as well?
- Why is Jacob, John Locke?
- Was Jacob invisible because John Locke cannot see himself?
- Does Locke die to become Jacob?
- What was the protective powder laid out around Jacob’s house?

Okay, I wrote this EXHAUSTED and did NOT re read, so if anything is mixed up and not worded right….i am so so so sorry.

I have a wedding to plan, family to entertain and a wedding to plan. HA! Sunday is the big day! Next LOST we will be a married couple!

PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.



Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Time goes by in Lost, where we see something and it won’t come back until it’s so out of our brains, but when we get an answer, we say “Oh, that was from the beginning of the season!!!”. When Vanessa and I saw Season 3:Episode 3’s “Further Instructions” Locke/Boone hallucination, we both agreed that this will make sense “further” down the road. Well, we have come to a dead end in three weeks and that hallucination is the ANSWER to EVERYTHING!!!!!

A HUUUUGE THANK YOU to Karen for pointing so much of this out, and discussing this with me to make sure it ALL MAKES SENSE!!!

(Follow these steps)

1) Watch the Lockevision (don’t maximize, but make it a little larger to see EVERYTHING. Maximizing the vision will make it TOO pixilated)
2) Read what is posted in order, and DO NOT watch while reading, since it’s the visuals of the vision that make all the sense
3) Re-watch…and see if it makes sense.

Okay, hopefully you have watched it before reading this. Let us follow the WHOLE hallucination in order.

Boone ends up in the sweat lodge with Locke. Like many people we have seen on the island who were killed off, or dead, have guided someone. Christian Sheps guides Jack to the Caves, Yemi guides Eko, and even Dave guides Hurley (imaginary friend?). Boone was always considered to be the leader, died very early in the game, so why not have a pissed off Boone get back at Locke? And here’s why he did.

1) Boone shows up next to Locke, who’s lost his voice due to the hatch bowing up. Boone seems a little offset and still VERY bitter towards Locke. He seems very condescending towards Locke since it was Locke who had Boone die. Boone mentions it was “the sacrifice the island demanded.” Funny, from what I see on the show, the island doesn’t demand much, it gets other people/things do it’s dirty work for it. Boone knows it.

2) “I’m here to help you find your way again, so you can bring the family back together.” Look at Locke’s face, amazing!!! It was in this very Locke-Centric episode where Locke finds the hitchhiker “Eddie.” Eddie is brought to Locke’s commune and they all considered themselves part of “the family”. This made the viewer think that the pot growing hippies in the commune were 1) on the island, or 2) something to do with the “family” Boone speaks of. Not the family as in Anthony Cooper who was just there, Emily who has been tested on the island and Ben, or Bernard who has been there. This line right now in the show, means Emily (Locke’s mother) was on the island prior and part of Karen and Gerald’s “immaculately conceiving projects". No one else I know is doing this, so she’s had to have gone somewhere.

3) The wheelchair? Don’t think too much on it, unless they plan on Locke being paralyzed for the outcome of what’s to happen. I just feel, it was a way to get Boone to guide him through the airport.


1) We get a quick shot of an airport sign zooming in and out, and reads “International Departure Gates”. Departing is never a good thing, so remember that word.

2) “John someone in THIS AIRPORT is in serious danger, you’re the only you can save them.” Remember, key words are SOMEONE THIS AIRPORT DANGER YOU SAVE THEM. Eko was never in the airport during this dream, so HE’S out, and he dies. He dies, and Locke says to Sayid, “You’re next!”, looks like we have a winner. Each section of the airport has someone who is going to be off the island. Sayid, Sun and Jin. Charlie, Aaron, and Claire. And Sawyer, Kate and Jack.

3) After Boones says “…save them” we get a great shot of the new family on the island. Aaron, Claire and Charlie. Charlie’s in a black suite, holding Aaron as he descends to the gates, saying “Goodbye” if you will. Well, I feel that something bad is about to happen to Aaron during this “purge/war” and it’s going to be Charlie to save Aaron and Charlie dies. Charlie knows the situation and there’s nothing he can do. Aaron lives (bad idea) and Charlie will die, doing something noble, so he dies a “hero” and not a junkie putz. “Not them, they’ll be fine, for awhile”, well it has been 17 episodes since we’ve seen this hallucination, I think it’s been awhile.

4) “I think Sayid’s got it” Jin, Sun and Sayid. Sun is holding a bag to her belly, and swipes it at Jin, basically giving him her belly baggage. Sayid has always had their back, but this has nothing to do with Locke anyway, so leave it up to Sayid, Jin and Sun. When Sun is going to be captured, I think Jin won’t be around to help, since they are splitting up right now. Sun trusts Juliet for helping her, and Jin is busy with Desmond’s “Anti-Trust Jack” party. So Sayid (who’s never on anyone’s team) will save her. Too late? Sayid dies? We’ll see. Does ANYONE know what the hell Sun and Jin are arguing about? Translate?

5) Back to Charlie. Well, if you look at Hurley, always smiling. He once again is not supposed to be there, he’s playing a HUGE role, apart from the Losties. He says “Next please?!?” and Boone says “Not Hurley”, but then the first person we see is Charlie. Next please!? Charlie is the next one we see…makes sense!

6) Here is where it gets GOOOOOD! After we see Charlie and the “next please.” Sorry Charlie. We see Desmond “DESCENDING” with three women. Either this means three women being Penny, Ruth and Naomi. Or (I like this one!) Jin, Hurley and Charlie. “Forget it! He’s helping himself!” Desmond is the only one of the Losties to have a costume and that’s the pilot uniform. He is in charge and taking people somewhere. We have seen him split the camp up, not intentional, but he split the camp into Jin, Hurley, Sayid, Charlie, maybe now Claire or Sawyer. Jack has his own team on the camp. Jack, Juliet, Sun, and maybe Claire, but most of all, weird…but KATE! Kate still trusts him. BUT, this brings us too…

7) “Take the stars out of your eyes”, Sawyer says to Kate (Thank you Karen for getting that). Kate is wearing BLACK, she dies, BUT WAIT, there’s more, what’s this Sawyer pulls out the SAME BROUCHURE that CHARLIE’S got!!! Kate was next to die too! BUT, Sawyer takes it from her. This little interaction was Kate going to die following Jack (he’s next in line), and Sawyer saves her and dies himself. She has death in her back pocket, not expecting it, different from Charlie, being handed death to his face, expecting it. Kate gives a smirk looking back knowing that Sawyer just saved her, and now with Sawyer out of the equation, she’s got Jack, and her mind is free from the two of them.

8) Jack takes his watch off. TIME! He puts his TIME into the bucket and places it on the conveyor belt and pushes time forward. Jack will no longer be enslaved by time and space. What’s this mean? I don’t know much about this TIME anymore…so confusing, BUT, we are soooon to find out. We do hear the beeping of the numbers needing to be pushed when Ben is scanning Jack. There was trust between Jack somewhere in those 10 days Ben had Jack, but Ben keeps his guard on Jack at all times. It’s a very Ben thing to do.

9) “There’s nothing you can do for them, not yet!” Nope, not yet, but…”First you need to clean your our mess”, and wow, wouldn’t I be damned if last week Ben warns Locke not to come back to the camp “Until you have cleaned up your own mess”. Well that mess was cleaned up, and that’s why this is whole blog post is being written. There was NO NEED to write all this out, until we heard that come out of Ben’s mouth. NOW is when Locke can get ready to do the dirty work and SPEAK!

10) We hear Boone in a repeat of “…clean up your own mess, clean up your own mess…” and it gets all shaky. Then we see Boone, where he belongs, on the top floor (heaven if you will), and Locke needs to get up there. The sign that we see before “Departure” is right under Locke, and he needs to be ASCENDING if you will (thank you again Karen, you rule!!!!). Locke leaves the wheelchair and starts riding the escalator to the TOP. Makes me laugh a little every time.

11) Locke gets to the top, and we find blood. Blood will be spilled for sure, but who’s blood is it? Eko is dead, and was never in the airport, so forget that it was about him. But, we do find Eko’s stick, which reads

12) Boone reappears all bloody and says “Clean it up John.” Something I feel Ben will say to John in the next few episodes and then this line Boone says next “They’ve got HIM John, you don’t have much time.” It Will ALL MAKE SENSE. Who is Him? Him is Anthony Cooper? I wish the HIM was more than JUST Anthony Cooper, and maybe HIM as in Jacob…but we’ll see. HIM is much more deeper, and the Jacob we see has something to do with Locke’s Mom. Why? We haven’t seen Emily since Anthony Cooper got his kidney. Short visit. She had a looot of cool shit to say, but then disappears. Where? Why so long? She HAS to make a comeback, we’re coming to the end of this season, and getting answers.

13) Or, another theory from that episode “Further Instructions” is when Locke wakes up from the explosion, he sees a naked Desmond running around, all-frantic. What if he was being captured since, they got HIM, as in Desmond? What if it’s a time and space thing, and he was captured? Escaped.


Here is what I think. We know Charlie will die saving Aaron, Desmond broke up camp even though he didn’t mean too, Sayid will probably die helping Jin and Sun, Sawyer dies helping Kate out, and John will lead to higher ground when Richard takes out Ben.
Ben will die from an argument with Juliet, Juliet revolts against Ben, Richard has had enough of Ben, kills him and Richard tells Locke, you are in charge of what Ben couldn’t take care of. We meet Jacob, who is going to be Bernard, Locke’s REAL brother and Emily’s is the “man behind the curtain.
Get it! Bernard will be Locke’s brother, who put Ben in charge, but Ben fails, making Jacob fail, and Locke will be in Ben’s spot.

Another look at it from Karen…
“The short of it is... Charlie will die, Hurley will be very important to the island, John is moving on to greater things), Jack will let the others think their in control for a while.. OR He'll side with the others..I think there will be 2 deaths though!!
The important thing to see is what I mentioned
The 2 people who DIVIDED the lostie camp is
Desmond (who is descending the escalator) and John (who is ascending the escalator)!!!!!!! John always knew his destiny was the island, now he needs to claim his right to be there!!!!”

There you go!!! How smart are these DamonCuse’s on the show. I love how you would NEVER think of this hallucination ever again, until you watch the DVD set in Nov. and say “Man, these bastards gave it to us in the beginning of the season.” Hiatuses suck! Glad they wont do that anymore.

ENJOY!!! I’m still so LOST!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

LOST BLOG: Recaps, predictions, and WHAT I GOT FROM LAST NIGHT'S "The BRIG"

What a brilliant week it has been. Thank you to Liverpool for making into the Champions League Final (May 23rd, seems like a great day, the game and LOST!!), we got the marriage license taken care of, Liverpool vs Milan (you know it!)!!!!, things are coming together with the business, and LOST was incredible. I felt like Eddie “On The” Money, and was Sh’ Sh’ Sh’ Sh’ Shakin’, half the episode. It was basically saying, good job Quain for putting that brain to work. I felt great to see some more predictions come true.


I KNOW THIS ONE IS A LONG ONE! BUT READ IT ALL, PLEASE!!! So much to look into!!!!!

This Is What I Got Out Of: The Brig

When “re-watching” the “PREVIOUSLY ON LOST”, we are reminded of Ben saying “I know you were raised in foster care, I know you spent four years prior to the island…”. Ben knows more about Locke than some stupid red file on theLostaways. This whole John and Ben thing is killing me. Will we see a “brothers in arms” episode soon? Love it!

Man! I laughed my ass off when Ben said “It’s just a metaphor John!” NO SHIT BEN! We knew this. But think about it though, and doesn’t John KNOW this!?!? John Locke would NEVER NEVER EVER NEVER want Anthony Cooper there. From watching Lost, I think where Helen and John left off, that would be what Locke would want to work with, before Cooper. Also, why would John want “someone” there, before “something”?
I think when John Locke stepped onto the island, the island gave John what he really wanted and that was his legs. The thought of his “not so much” dad Cooper wouldn’t cross his mind. Hell, most of the time when someone mentions Locke being crippled, even though he’s a Man Of Faith, he kills them with his eyes.
So, WHO REALLY BROUGHT ANTHONY COOPER TO THE ISLAND? We know this!!! A scared little Anthony Cooper admits it was the car accident (once again), drugged up (Juliet and the sub), and hand delivered to Locke. He wasn’t lying at all when he spoke what he knew. But all his speculations of what the island is…we’ll get into that.

R.I.P. JAMES “SAWYER” FORD (2004-2007)
Goodbye Sawyer, it was really nice knowing you. These words may sound harsh, but seriously, didn’t we just see Sawyers last reeeeally good episode. What else does the island want from James Tom Sawyer Ford? Nothing! Exactly. Sawyer has done everything he needed to do. Sawyer was living for one thing and that was for the man who killed his family to read the letter he wrote. Well, he had that chance last night, and look what happened. Ripped right in front of him. He finally finished the deed, and he’ll go quickly. But he won’t go quietly. He will put up a good fight.
Sorry to all the women who love the smooth silky Pantene Sawyer look, it’s now going to look like those skeletons on the Slave Ship.
One thing stopping me from Sawyer not dying is that he killed himself already. As we know Anthony Cooper/Adam Seward is a anagram for “Sawyer, the con man, a poor dad”. James Ford, a con man, and a poor dad. Anthony Cooper was everything James Ford is. So maybe the island will recognize that, letting Sawyer live. Nah! Bye Sawyer!

Well, I guess not. BUT! In this episode Ben reminds me that John Locke has to say “goodbye” to Kate. So I “re-watched” the scene between Kate and Locke in “Left Behind” episode to go back and see what Locke says to Kate before he takes off with Ben and the Gang. He says “…I made a strong case for you, I told them you were “good person” reliable, smart, honest, and they told me who you are, what you’d done.” Yup, Kate is bad! And we know what happens to bad people! Kate will be captured, and will come out fighting.
So this leads to tonight’s little “We should tell her” game Juliet planned. Jack disagrees because he knows Kate will get ready, pack some heat, and get Sawyer on her side. What Jack and Juliet know, is that Ben is ready to come out in 3 days and capture the women, and Kate is one of them. Juliet is testing Jack to see if he would go behind Ben and the “Others”, and tell Kate about she is on the “list”.

So, Jack thought it would be nice to go back into a blue shirt this week. Now we have a neutral Jack. But the word TRUST and Jack is being slung around more than ever. And now it leads to bringing other characters to the table whom might be worthy of this task when the “New Purge” comes.
But let’s dig into Juliet, and it’s time to start to liking her folks. I feel when she is with Jack we CAN trust her. She is done screwing people over and I think she pulled one over on Ben. I think that tape was her final straw and will be the straw that will break the camels back. Juliet is DONE hurting people, except one person and that’s Ben. So, she (I mean DamonCuse spoon-feed that ridiculous line) says “I hate you” and she means it. Obviously, no one is there, she couldn’t lie to anyone since she was alone, and lordy knows she can’t lie to herself, she’s all she has at this point.
Juliet pulls this FINAL little con for Ben, but goes back with intentions of helping these castaways. BUT, look who has the tape recorder now, and Ben is just a little TOO smart at this point. Ben just happens to play the tape when Locke is walking up to the tent. Locke hands it over to Sawyer, and that’s the way Ben’s little game of “I know” works. So, let’s talk about the word trust again!
DO NOT TRUST BEN! That’s about it. Sawyer is trying to be trusted, Desmond is trying, Sun or Jin is trying, Kate is trying, Jack is an idiot, Charlie is trying, Naomi…hmmm…IS NOT! Stay away from her!
Also, really quick, Jack knows about Naomi, I hate to say it. When Jack asks questions to Charlie, it was to get something out of him, like Jack usually does. The look Jack gives Charlie, as if saying “You sly devil, you’re not going to tell me are you?” was a little obvious. Jack is better than that, COME ON PEOPLE, It”s JACK!!!!!

HUUUUGE scene ! Massive! This scene PISSES ME OFF so bad, that all the theories of the show being timelines and bending time and space is now, in my mind, 100% real! That’s it! I said it. And I can’t elaborate much more, or dig too much deeper into it. The show is entering such a HUGE sci-fi, supernatural world that I feel, ANYTHING can happen.
The plane was in an ocean trench 4 miles deep? I feel she’s an “other” so, let’s try not to believe EVERYTHING she says. HERE IS WHAT HAPPNED WITH THE PLANE
- Widmore/Hanso/Piak/Oceanic set up the plane in the bottom of the ocean with people in it. Why would Oceanic do this? Well they were going out of business anyway, as some of us know from the Lost Experience. Since the wreckage is so far down, would YOU go down and worry about the bodies? No! We trust the media to tell us what is what, so we don’t need to see the proof for our selves. We trust sweet ol’ Widmore and Co.
- So, if Widmore/Hanso/etc. really pulled this off, then let’s think that they don’t want the LOSTAWAYS ever to be found! So! Don’t be shocked when we kill them off more and more now. These survivors are not coming off the island. EVER!
- Michael you say? Michael comes back to the real world and only to sound like a nutcase talking about hidden islands, being a survivor of the crash, and polar bears and Black Smoke Vincents. Michael will end up in the crazy house where Hurley, Libby, Dave and Lenny were and probably be on this island ALL OVER again, like Locke is, since he went a little loopy. What if the physical rehab place was in the same hospital that Hurley was in…different ward, wing, building?
- Oceanic will look at Michael and say he is trying to get money form their company, but never made it onto the flight. His poor child Walt…blah blah blah, and Walt will bring his evil to the outside world. There you go! EVIL CHILD! Bird killer! WOW! Sorry, went a little off tangent there!

Also, THAT PHONE! We got into it 2 weeks ago in the blog section “Decoy Phone Home” but is it me, or is that phone a little too “HI-TECH-Futuristic” for today’s phones? Yes, it looks like the I-Phone which isn’t out yet (hint hint, DamonCuse knew it wouldn’t be out by the time this aired, so they played off that), but has SO MANY touch-screen buttons, “radio”, and massive channels, MEGA-SPEAKER with feedback, with more what-nots on it. Are we about to find out about a fake technology sponsor on the island?

So Ben is able to walk now, much better than we EVER expected. How? Yeah we know what he said to Locke about Locke being around and healing him, BUT WE KNOW BEN LIES…about EVERYTHING!!!! Man, it’s friggin’ KILLING me that he lies so much. Nothing is the truth.
Also, check out the rock, statue, whatever Cooper is tied to! Remember the four toed foot Sayid sees on the boat with Jin and Sun? Could this be from the same time? What is it? IS this where people go to heal faster? Is there where they set up and meditate before their “Namaste” Purge’s they go on? What part of the island are they on?

Oh man! Did this guy have a mouthful to say, even when he was gagged with Ben’s sweaty dress socks. Also, think about WHY DID BEN UNCOVER THE GAG when Locke was going to slit his throat? Who ungags someone when they are about to kill them? Unless they have “something” to say?! Ben knows Cooper has MUCH to say, so Locke wouldn’t do it.
Ben needs to be the “god” of the “Others” and having EVERYONE watch and call Locke out on it, makes Ben look higher than Locke. Great test Ben, once again!
- I Guess I Didn’t Raise No Dummies – You’re a dummy, YA DUMMY! But no you didn’t, Locke is a smart smart man, but, I don’t think he meant Locke only. Dummies, plural? Who is the other dummy? A brother I guess! Who can that be? Kane/Able?
- I was driving down I-10, when BAM! Someone slams into my car… Believe this! We have seen it before with Juliet. But this time it’s kidnapping. One thing he says though is the paramedic “SMILES at me”, so there is a HUGE hint. Let’s think of classic smiles on the island and Juliet or Ben win the title!
- …crashed into the Pacific… DamonCuse showing us that the outside world watched the news to hear about Flight 815 crashing by Bali! BALI?!?!?!? Why there? Isn’t that MEGA-WEST of LA, or even FUJI where the pilot said he was making a stop for? Why Bali? Media lies!!!!
- DO ANY OF THESE NAMES RING A BELL? Anthony Cooper, Alan Seward, Louis Jackson, Tom Sawyer, or even Paul? No last name on the Paul. Sorry

Believe this man!!!!! That’s all I have to say! Believe him! I have trust in him. BUT WHAT SUCKS, is that Locke doesn’t trust ANYONE anymore, so he will not trust Alpert. Great idea, and mind messing with our eads there DamonCuse!!
We have had our time with Ben and there is ONLY so much of Ben we can have. He will never change, and it’s time to kill him off. It’s up to one of three people to kill him. Locke, or Juliet and the other person, everyone will think I’m crazy, but it’s Richard Alpert. He is DONE with Ben! He is a leader and more since HE IS Ben’s right hand man more than anyone else. Think about all the perks this man has. He knows how to GET ON/OFF the island, he knows where the money comes from and who’s involved, he knows the medicine, he knows the barracks/island/camps, he knows EVERYTHING! THINK ABOUT IT! He will be the new “Others” leader. BUT, also remember this, people DON’T DIE on the island!!!! Seriously! Some people are DEAD already, waking the Lostaway camp!!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that Ben has a bookcase with at least over 50 books, but when they pack up and leave, all they have is fabric with twine wrapped around. Am I the ONLY one who finds this amazing!?!?! He knows he is there for 24 hours, maybe 48, and he still has DOZENS of books in his tent. PLEASE, find this screencap. AMAZING!


Locke (to Sawyer) - ”They have files on us James, all of us” - STOP IT LOSTAWAYS!!!! STOP! We need someone there to stop Locke when he says that and question “Files? WHY? Who the shit are these people and why do they have files on us? Hmmm…maybe because they wanted us here Locke! Think of that? They planned this, they know who we are, and they have plans for us!!!” Then, maybe an answer or two will kick in, but until then, let the “that went over my head” games continue. FILES! WHY?! Does Sawyer not give a shit? ALL OF US! That’s a lot of files…and ”watchers”.

Cindy (to Locke) – ”That would have taken me hours to do myself” - He’s just tying a knot for ya my dear. But, Cindy sees it SO MUCH more than that. But, once again the term false prophet comes back to bite Locke in the ass. When Cindy says that, it’s more than just tying the knot, but it’s the fact that it’s this god doing it for her. More than meets the eye in some ways. This might help, let’s see like this. You get a band like A New Found Glory, The Killers, or Fall Out Boy, and the guitarist breaks a string on their guitar. Well not having any talent and not knowing how to tune their own guitar, what if Liam Gallagher or Paul Weller walked up and tuned it for them? Takes them 4 minutes to fix and they would be like “WOW! Thank you, that would have taken me hours to do.” That’s about it. But they wouldn’t even know who Paul Weller or Oasis is anyway so. And yes, Paul Weller is a god.

Ben (To Locke) - This is not the first time we’ve done this John, trust me, no one will get hurt” - How many times before? Also, LOTS of people are going to get hurt. I love the way Ben tells John as if he just was selected as a contestant on the Price Is Right.

Ben (To Locke) – ”When people join us here, on this island, John, they need to show a gesture, of FREE WILL” No whale jokes please. When people join us? What other people? Also, show a gesture. Who do we feel has shown gestures? Bernard? Tom? Juliet? Alpert? Ethan? Are these all people who have been there prior and Ben made them into one of his?

Naomi (To Sayid) – “Island?...We thought it was a fool’s errand, until 3 days ago. I was flying back for the ship and all of the sudden the clouds opened and I was…” - BAH! Bullshit, by the way, clouds opened at night, and the freight boat was 80 kil. off of where she is! BUT, if not, let’s think that what was said about this being in the triangle of the Loyalty Islands, I think we have a match of where this island can be. Penny’s coordinates were false? No! She knew that if they went into the right portal, she would end up there with Desmond and use the phone. But, little does Penny know, that Naomi is an “Other”, or “Watcher” and phones don’t work on that island. Bali?! BALI?!?! Grrrr!

Naomi (To Sayid) - ”Remind me not to rescue you Sayid” - He don’t need you “Other” woman with a moustache!!! Sayid will do fine on his own, Sucka! So, what she means is, when Ben comes with his posse and someone tries to take down the one man who is tougher than all the Others together, I don’t have your back Sayid. She knows who Sayid is, and she has been waiting to meet him. But what it seems like to me, is the girl likes boy, so girl will bicker with boy, and bat her eyelashes. I see a connection here.

Sayid (To Desmond) - Did YOU actually see her helicopter? - Just go back and see Naomi’s face when he asks that. That’s all. PROOF right there she’s lying and someone is on to her. That’s it! Re-watch! THAT FACE!

Ben (To “Others”) - He’s not who we thought he was” - Oh Ben, but he is who you thought he was. Get ready for a new Locke and a new season of Lost. Locke will be much MORE than you can EVER imagine Ben.

Locke - ROUSSEAU? - I don’t think I ever dropped an f’bomb here, but if there was a time, YES, it would be NOW! LOOOOOOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOCKE in this scene. The way he says “Rousseau” so calm and smooth. Anyone else would have been like, “Who followed me?” but Locke was making his little spear for Ben’s throat when “The Purge 2” happens. LOVE IT! Go Rousseau, kill some Lostaways with your explosives. She’s going to use them on the Losties camp, you’ll see!

Ben (To Locke) – “Where would you get a ridiculous idea like that” AND “Don’t tell me what I can’t do John” WOW!!!! This is why I will miss Michael Emerson in season 4. The ridiculous idea WAS a set-up for Ben to get Alpert to talk to Locke, but I think Alpert had some tricks (files) up his sleeve. ALSO! LOOK LOOK RE-WATCH AND LOOK at Ben’s face when he says “Don’t tell me what I can’t do, John…” LOVE IT! He’s saying in a nutshell, “that guy Randy that Locke worked with, also the guy at the walkabout center, these people you told that to Locke, they were “Watchers”. I know your favorite line John. I know!” Ben loves that game “I know!”

- How many times has Ben done this “Kidnapping” of pregnant women?
- Who is it Ben thought Locke was going to be?
- Did Richard Alpert hand over the file to get good with Locke, and in time kill Ben?
- Can Alpert be trusted?
- Why does Rousseau need explosives?
- Why would anyone want to live in Jasper, Alabama?
- What does Juliet want to tell Kate?
- Doesn’t Juliet want to see her sister? So when she hears there is a way off this island, Naomi’s radio, why didn’t she flip out of excitement?
- Who knew that Naomi was coming to the island?

- Ben will die, Sawyer will die, Kate will be captured, and Sun didn't get pregnant on the island. Juliet LIES!
- Jack needs a comeback, only to be out casted a bit in Season 4. Any nominees for Lostaway Leader?
- Jacob is right around the corner...i mean "CURTAIN" (going back to that theory from April 17th)
- Ben has been in love prior to what we have seen, and her name is NAOMI
- Karen and Gerald DeGroot are Ben's parents
- Desmond says "Are you him?" in Season 2 to Locke in the hatch when they meet. We find out Desmond knows more than we think. Get ready.
- Walt! Oh yes Walt...get ready kids! GET READY!!!

look it's 11:00am, and this needs to get up on-line, so...more coming soon maybe?


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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

SONG OF THE WEEK: Bis "This Is Fake D.I.Y."

SONG OF THE WEEK: BIS – “This Is Fake D.I.Y.”

THIS IS!!!! an amazing song, from one hell of a fun, adorable, hip, geeky, but motsly poppy band that had the balls and cute spring dress wearing keyboardist to back it up. Ladies and gentlemen I give you, Scotland’s best pop trio, BIS! (composed of Steven Clark (Sci-fi Steven), John Clark (John Disco), and Amanda MacKinnon (Manda Rin)
Addicted to their punk rock length songs of just over 2 minutes, with their 808ish keyboards and fists in the air sing-alongs, I WAS ADDICTED. Ask anyone that knew me in the mid-90’s. But, after talking to Shawn yesterday about music and bands freedom, of doing what they want, and making the music they want to. i.e. The Replacements, The Jam, Arctic Monkeys, etc. I felt this post was a must, and in a way a dedication to Shawn and a band I overlooked.
After releasing singles after singles in Europe on The Delgado’s label Chemikal Underground, it wasn’t until K Records found HUGE talent in these kids and put a Heavenly split 7” out. Then Mike-D (Beastie Boys) of Grand Royal picked Bis up, and finally putting out a full length, with 18 pop hits, for them.

Being Bis was easy at first, seeing as EVERYONE was in love with them. Upon forming in 1994, it would take this band ONLY one year to make it to “Top Of The Pops” on their own D.I.Y. style, and way of making music. The band ate, drank, slept (not in that way, please!), walked, breathed, everything BIS. They were recording masters putting out so many EP’s, 7”’s and by 1997 they had their sophomore album “Social Dancing.”
At this time Bis had also put their instruments and vocals to the Cartoon Network’s smash “Powerpuff Girls” closing credits and Bis were now even more everywhere than ever. The band put out one more album on SpinArt Records called “Return To Central” which never sold, and the band broke up. Amanda wound up marrying one of my friends Ryan from the band Discount and had the honor of meeting her in Gainesville whole seeing Superchunk.
Ryan and Amanda got together to make a side project called The Kitchen. I’m thinking Ryan and Amanda met while Bis and Discount were busy making 7”/EP splits with every D.I.Y band out there. Bis wound up sharing 7”’s with The Apples In Stereo, J Church, Lugworm, Heavenly and touring extensively. In time, Bis went in one ear and out the other for me, but recently found ALL of my Bis stuff and uploaded it.
I heard of some other projects they did like Data Panik and a Bis reunion recently. Good luck to these kids, and THANK YOU for the awesome catchy tunes.




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