Thursday, April 26, 2007

LOST BLOG: Recaps, predictions, and WHAT I GOT FROM LAST NIGHT'S "D.O.C."


First I need to say that I am honored to hear a friend of mine, who directed the film “Berkeley” has directed a Season 3 episode of “LOST.” Congrats to Bobby Roth for all his work on Prison Break and now joining the crew of Lost. I was able to meet and hang out for a few with Bobby at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival two years ago, who held my seat to meet Michael Moore and Christopher Jaymes (In Memory Of My Father). Bobby was very nice and we talked a lot about Prison Break, and told him I could never get into that show. Sorry Bobby, but now you will have my full attention! Ha! GREAT JOB!
Wow, what a sleepy episode, until the last five minutes right? Well, not really. I was re-watching and got a lot out of this. I was so shocked to see how much I would be tying. So, instead of reading some thank you’s or crap about how Jim, Me, Vanessa, or now even Shawn solved the whole show in 2 minutes…


Some might not think too much of this, but DamonCuse obviously do. Jack’s new wardrobe is a huge deal to LOST fans. Jack is back on the beach, and is it a shocker we are not focused too much on him? Well, for those who do not know what a “red shirt” is on television it’s a term used for who will be killed. It all started on Star Trek, and was brought into more TV shows. LOST has the joke of Scott/Steve, Arzt, Gary being a red shirt, and Nikki or Paulo were also considered “red shirts”.
Let’s try not to think too much of it, but Jack to me right now, is a red shirt. What’s to come for Jack? Is Jack already dead…(inside?)

Is it me or is she just a little too good in speaking to EVERYONE on the island? Sure, everyone has their own way of talking to each other, i.e. Jin and Hurley, BUT she is speaking in their languages. Hmmm…I won’t be surprised if by next week, she says “I don’t know Italian, or Chinese.” Something is going on here and the Island wants her to be able to talk to the Lostaways. NO WAY has this girl studied all these languages JUST for this trip.
Also, last night was weird and we NEED to get into Oceanic flight 815. And I guess we will soon…

Poor Jin, doesn’t even know who his REAL father is, if there IS a real father? Probably not right? First, all the women in Jin’s life that should be the closest to him, hide so many secrets, so, no wonder the man is so angry. Sun hides the affair, and that his mother is a prostitute from him. When his mom is actually hiding from him, and that she was a high paying hooker.
I guess we got a hint of yet another woman being part of this “immaculate conception.” Something seems fishy here, and it’s not Jin’s father (get it, he’s a fisherman, ha!?!). Something else is up and I feel this is why Jin and Sun are together. Sun’s father is very successful and very HUGE as we know, and Jin is one of the experiments. It would make sense, and I feel that’s what this ”D.O.C.” episode was getting at. I feel Mr. Paik is the Korean version of Alva Hanso with money and real estate. He’s into hotels and building, so why not help put these hatches into the island. Sun says it best “…pretending of what you do.” What does he do? She’s done pretending, and I need to know!


No one knew about Sun’s pregnancy except the Losties, because Sun got pregnant ON the island. Well, we are lead to believe Ben and Juliet CAN’T know anything about the pregnancy seeing as Juliet acts, very poorly may I add, surprised when Sun tells her. How can they know? Unless Kate is talking in her sleep.
So, how the hell can Juliet leave a message to Ben about Sun’s pregnancy? Obviously Ben wanted more on Sun’s pregnancy, he got Juliet to go help her. Well, Jin is not able to make babies, and we are supposed to think the island is helping him? Nope. Not me. Juliet impregnated her somehow. Something is up here, Ben is in on it, and Juliet is the guinea pig. When Juliet says “Kwon is pregnant, the fetus is healthy and was conceived on the island with her husband, and was sterile before he got here” WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN!?!? Grrr…What is going on? Need more info…need to think more.

And you guys thought he was dead huh? TOLD YOU! Ha!
I kid, I kid! But seriously, why would we see him again in a flashback two weeks ago? Also, what I love is that the flare gun lead him RIGHT to Naomi, NOT the Fab Four, but NAOMI. Hurley calls for help, and Mikhail might have been the closest, but look at the shock on his face. He thought Naomi pulled the trigger, but to his surprise it’s the boys looking JUST as shocked. Speaking of shocked, wow, what a great reaction on Naomi’s face when she saw Mikhail and was grabbing all on Desmond, as if to say “No! Stop, I know this man, don’t let him near me, please!” Great scene! Okay, now onto Mikhail and the security barrier.
So what happened to him, you ask? I don’t know. I like what I said a few posts ago about Locke giving him something to act like he died, but it might be more than that. The continuity of him breathing was NOT continuity, he WAS breathing. That was our clue. We are getting into a STRANGE place now on the island where ANYTHING can happen. Also, Mikhail KNOWS who this Naomi chick is. Here is something I felt odd…

So, Mikhail steals the phone. Why? To steal something else from Naomi. He took the obvious phone, but he took something else HE needed. He doesn’t need a phone! The man is well equipped, as we’ve seen. Every time we see Mikhail he’s got some kind of technology where the outside world is talking to him. The computer with chess on it, which I would like to think that would be the computer to get Michael to go after Walt. (THEY GOT MY BOY!) The television screens on that deluxe editing suite so Mikhail can track down Oceanic Flight 815 when Juliet and Ben go see her after the plane crashes.
Now, Vanessa and Shawn have this theory that the plane crash was staged. Well, let’s go back to the Wizard of Oz theory BLOG POST I did two weeks ago where I mentioned Hanso and Oceanic’s President Michael Orteig would be in on it, as in money. Hanso needed a plane to get these Losties on the island, and who else to ask but your buddy Orteig. So, this will explain why Naomi said what she said at the end of “D.O.C.”.
But, back to Mikhail and Naomi. Mikhail requests that he is “let go” when he fixes Naomi up. Why? To go hide in the jungle? He has no clue where Ben and the others are, and he doesn’t mind the company with the Losties. He can’t be near Naomi. So, what I am thinking is,
1) He knows who Naomi is, and it’s NOT GOOD. So he asks to leave so she doesn’t recognize him, plus he pretends to steal the phone, as a decoy to steal something else that’s missing in her bag.
2) He’s off to meet up with Rousseau and take Alex back. He wants Ben dead (who doesn’t), and this might be the way to get Alex back. We need to see Karl and Rousseau pretty damn quick.

LOVE IT! Shit I love Mikhail! Why is it he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE on this island. So…Charlie went deaf when the hatch blew up with him in it. BUT, something else happened when the hatch blew up and I’m thinking time and space might have been bent or something. Charlie was deaf sometime. When Charlie threatens Mikhail with tearing out his OTHER eye, Mikhail motions to his ear, lifting it up saying ”Huh, What?!” and Charlie goes completely off his tits. Why? Mikhail knows more about every ones misfortunes that we know. I’m thinking because he has a huge misfortune and that’s not seeing our of two eyes, so he has a third one that works better than 20/20.
So what happened to Charlie, was he deaf? What does Mikhail know that we don’t?


OK OK OK! Let’s get into it! The moment we have all been waiting for. The big news from Naomi and the episodes final words. She informs Hurley:
1) The plane CRASHED – From what we know and seeing it on Mikhail’s monitors in “One Of Us”, the plane “Disappeared.” So how does Naomi believe that the plane crashed? Don’t believe everything you SEE on TV! Staged!
2) There were no survivors – obviously there are! One of them is talking to you, wait, it’s Hurley though, and we have theories of this guy not even BEING on the island. Hmmm…No survivors? Plenty of them there! And as we know we have more coming on the way. Sun, Kate and hell maybe Jack is too, acting like a little girl most the time.
3) The way she cuts off Hurley is almost like she’s scripted to tell him this. She doesn’t act shocked to hear there was at least ONE survivor? If someone told me they were part of a crash I saw on TV and said EVERYONE died, I would at least be “HOW DID YOU SURVIVE, it’s a miracle!! Are you alone?”
What was going around the TV room last night with Shawn and Vanessa was that the plane crash was staged. And VERY VERY possible. Think of Hanso, Orteig, the buddies if you will. Hanso has power and Orteig has the props. So, all we need now is a TV station to blow the story out of the water, kind of like Fox News’ sudden announcement that Bush won the election in 2002, and then every other station followed their lead. Assholes.
So what if they staged it? Also, what if Naomi isn’t ONLY there for Desmond. What if this woman was hired by Penny, but Naomi got the job because she NEEDED to get on that island? Like a TEST if you will. Once again! TESTS! Naomi knows A LOT more than we think about this island. She seemed scared of Mikhail and Mikhail seemed like he was all into her.

Four hours left and this BLOG will need to find another way to connect with you. There’s three weeks and four hours of LOST left, we will see some major shit and some major twists I feel.
The storm that we saw coming in last week’s episode “Catch-22”, which was gorgeous by the way, is saying that this episode was the CALMING before the STORM. The clouds seen and thunder heard was enough to say, HOLY SHIT here we go, next week is going to KICK SOME ASS!!! But, as we all know, there is the calm before the storm and maybe that’s why not many people liked this episode too much. It’s been go go go (Magnolia reference) few episodes lately, until last night.
So what I am saying here is GET READY for some MAJOR fast action and scary, yet unbelievable twists. DamonCuse know they have EVERYTHING to lose since the show wants at least TWO more SEASONS!!!! GO GET ‘EM BOYS!

Wow, is he not the cutest little Korean man you have ever seen…LOVE THIS GUY!!!! So sad we won’t see him anymore. He RULED. And his SAKE!!!!


EVERYTHING Naomi said – (To Desmond, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, Mikhail) – How the shit does she speak so many languages? And you may say, it was one or two words, but is it me or did she learn “I’m not alone”, “I’m dying”, etc. JUST for this trip like she knew she was in bad shape from the get go. NO! She’s in a bad way right now, and is speaking in “tongues” if you will. But, next morning, she wakes up felling better and speaking English, and coherent. I don’t know. A little strange, yo!

Hurley (to Desmond, Charlie, Jin) - “Oops” - The flare gun couldn’t really do anything for them, but HURLEY, ya big dummy! But, there’s the Hurley we were used to in Seasons One and Two. But why? Why now, when we were seeing a leader transform so quick and before our eyes? Is Hurley going back to his old ways? Nah! He’s Hurley the Hero!

Sun (To Kate) – “What do you think happened to Jack, when he was with the Others? He seems different” - Well, because Sun, HE IS DIFFERENT! Our HERO is quickly becoming our ZERO. Red shirt! See. Well put in the script and very well delivered by Sun. Keep watching Jack guys, oh wow, the worst is yet to come.

Mikhail (to Desmond) - ”As your friend pointed out, I already died once this week.” - WHAT?! Oye, you’re killing me here! What the shit is going on? Here’s some insight though. Locke and Mikhail knew each other prior to the crash. How? Locke’s been there before? Or Mikhail needed boxes for his Flame Hatch Tree House, that’s why Locke staged Mikhail’s death, so no one can hurt him anymore. Mikhail and Michael. Michael/Mikhail. Hmm…I wonder if there’s more on that?

“Eu não estou só," which translates to "I'm not the only," which is close to "Eu não estou sozinha," meaning "I'm not alone." (To Desmond, Charlie, Hurley) – (THANK YOU Well well well. I guess these Dharma assholes can not be trusted. Who would have thunk? I guess we will have a CarolAnn moment on the season finale…THEY’RE HEEEERE!

Mr. Kwon (To Sun) - ”I wasn’t even sure if I was the father.” - Nope, I hate to say it my man! You’re not his father, but you took good care of him. Who is Jin’s father? Anxious to see how this one all pans out.

Mr. Paik (To Sun) - Why should I give you money without an explanation?” - I feel he has said that to someone else, but that certain someone happens to be a Mr. Hanso. Yup! And damn did he EVER get an explanation. Oh and by the way, who has money? Cause maybe we can offer it to Mr. Hanso, so we too can get an explanation.

Juliet (To Sun) “We all make mistakes” - Wow, well, if Juliet wasn’t just screaming, “Get out now! Trust me, this is a HUGE mistake sister!” I love that line, what a great line for such an average episode. Sorry. It was an average episode script wise. But purposely so. Calm…get ready!

Sun (To Jin’s whorish mother) - “My husband believes that you are dead, Don’t force me to make that a reality” - Sun is a badass woman and damn if she means it when she comes out fighting. Do not, I repeat do not mess with the Kwon family. Sun’s words can make you feel 2 inches tall, and Jin’s “Spinning Star Kick” will knock any one-eyed man to the ground. Jin – FULL POINT! WIN!

- Mikhail survived the barrier, but how? Why?
- How was Flight 815 found since they crashed in the ocean?
- Where did flight 815 crash?
- What is up Juliet’s sleeve, behind Ben or behind his back?
- Is Kate pregnant?
- How does Naomi know so many languages?
- What did Mikhail REALLY steal out of the sack?
- Naomi is not alone. Who is with her?
- Sun has this file on Mr. Kwon. Why? How did she get it? Very Others of her.

- Sun won’t die. She is part of this Immaculate Conception like her husband is.
- Sawyer still has to kill Anthony Cooper! Ha! I know we say this every week, but I guess it’s a season finale story. That’s all Sawyer has going for him.
- Locke has plans for Anthony Cooper, but Sawyer will get to them first, making Locke a little pissy.
- Naomi knows Mikhail and she will tell the Fab Four “I dreamt of a man fixing me with a patch, named Mikhail.” To their dismay, they agree with her.
- We still need a Charlie, Ben, Jack, and Sawyer flashback
- Rousseau needs Mikhail to help kill Ben. But something will cause a stir.
- Jack needs drama and it’s not Kate or Juliet. What gives? Christian maybe?

PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.


See you soon!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

LOST BLOG: Recaps, predictions, and WHAT I GOT FROM LAST NIGHT'S "Catch-22"

HELICOPTER?!?!?! HELICOPTER?!?!?! Uh, Jim?!? Please tell that was funny? Weird right? I can’t believe there was a helicopter! Shocked the shit out of me. Is it every week another prediction that is made, will pop up?
I MUST apologize to some who might have felt that as a spoiler, but I was completely joking around, and I think if you re-read it, you can see that. No way in hell did I think Penny would really come in a helicopter at first. I got some massive chills when I heard some propellers whizzing in last night’s episode man.


Okay with that said! Onto…


First off, a HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS to one of the greatest comic book writers EVER, for making his debut in co-writing credits with LOST last night, Brian K. Vaughan. Charlie’s opening line in the episode, “Superman can fly around the entire planet, in the blink of an eye“ was a huge big ups to comic books and made me happy to think Brian K. Vaughan is on board.
I am a massive fan and congrats to you. Now ALL OF YOU go out and buy Y: The Last Man, Ex-Machina and seriously, what happened to The Hood, friggin amazing. When Marvel went MAX! Seems so long ago. Also, thank you BKV for your Ultimate X-Men, A+ to you, you genius!

Here is a man, who is not enslaved by space and time. Get it? Vanessa was rad enough to get me the complete DVD BOX SET of ALL the Superman movies. Re-watching (see Jim!) the first Superman, we know that Lois dies, but for Superman, he can change that. Charlie reminds us last night that “Superman can fly around the entire planet in the blink of an eye” and as much as I laugh at that scene, we think, wow what a sweet guy for saving Lois like that.
Superman flies around the earth to make it backspin and go back in time to save Lois. Kind of like bumping your head, and going back in time to save the woman you love, or the chap playing guitar every week. Huge reference for us comic book geeks, but also Richard Donner fans (the Goonies is the best film EVER!).
A Flash reference though?!! Vibrating through walls? The Hatch? Will we be vibrating through a wall for more Hatches? Hmmm…But, more time and space to come. Claire is my card I will put on the table. Friggin’ great reference from BKV!

Okay, enough ass kissing, but seriously, read some BKV! Let’s get something out of the way here, before we get into the Fab Four and a camping trip.


Pretty damn obvious what’s going on here! We all said it last week that Jack and Juliet will lead to Kate and Sawyer. But we will not leave it at that, will we? No! Everyone is asking what’s up Jack’s sleeve, and it’s totally getting into Juliet’s mind and not those turquoise sweatpants. Jack is completely playing Juliet here and this is NOT going to end well. We still have SO MUCH to learn about Sarah. Who she left Jack for? Will she ever come back?
The connection of what Sawyer and Kate said about it “’s strange being back to the camp…” was a cool way to keep the connection alive between Kate and Sawyer, more than just sex. Thinking alike is always a good thing between couples.
We should be getting another Jack flashback hopefully this season. I have a feeling since we introduced a new character, an old one needs to make a comeback and that will be a season finale. Hoping for a Ben centric finale though, aren’t we all?

First thing said when we are introduced to this man, is TESTS! And damn it if I am not mistaken on how much he looks like Isaac of Uluru in the episode of S.O.S. If you go back to some replies to the comments in the “Island Theory” blog from earlier this week, I mention re-watching S.O.S. because I feel I know who is behind this all. Well, that episode sealed the deal for me.
Some things about Brother Campell we need to point out. Vows to charity, helping out at Moriah’s Vineyard. Well let’s think of Desmond’s vow to silence being a TEST to see if he can choose not to speak, what about “push a button” for three years? We see the connection between Brother Campbell and Mrs. Hawking (the antique shop lady), so you know they are working together to bring Desmond to the island. Much much more to come with these two I have a feeling. Also,
As Desmond said, Moriah’s Mountain is where God instructed Abraham to kill Isaac, but God spared Isaac’s life. In the bible, Isaac is the father of Jacob and grandfather of Benjamin. Keep that in mind.

Well well well. This is VERY hard to pin-point and I know I have mentioned the island “gives us what the island ONLY knows.” For some of the new readers, I always had this feeling we keep seeing 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, Hanso, Apollo, Oceanic, Widmore, Mr. Cluck’s, MacCutcheons, etc. because the island is only taking in what is on the island. The island keeps reminding the Losties of their past, but doesn’t know much more. Same way we keep seeing the same people from flashbacks coming to the island, like Anthony Cooper, Ethan Rom, Richard Alpert, etc.
Well the island was just thrown for a loop last night, along with the rest of us. Our paratrooper in Top Gun form, whom IMDB names Naomi, was not who we thought it was. And what I am thinking, this is pretty damn HUGE. I have a feeling she is not connected to ANY ONE on the island, but someone Penny sent to find Desmond. NOT CONNECTED, WHAT?!?! On Lost?!?!
In the finale of Season 2, (last scene) the two Portuguese men in the Arctic/Antarctica? are playing chess, and get that distress call from the computer of “Electromagnetic Anomaly Detected”, well she is connected to them, of course. The Island has just received an outsider, and I have a feeling Naomi was never meant to be part of what’s in store. Like Hurley.
And this comes to…

So, if Desmond let Charlie get the arrow in the neck, would have that been Penny, not Naomi, in the “Iron Eagle” outfit? (I better watch what I say, or Lou Gossett Jr. is on the Island next). I don’t think so. I think it was supposed to be Naomi the whole time. Penny sent Naomi to get Desmond, seeing as she knew his name and had a picture of him. Since we had our flashback of Desmond, I’m feeling she doesn’t know Desmond from the past.
Penny is sending people to get Desmond, but with the Islands powers, it’s not going to be easy. Unless you “Ferry Cross the Bermuda.” Naomi came close, but now she’s no better than our Flight 815 survivors.
Also, something Tom said earlier in the season. “Ever since the sky turned purple…” when Jack asked him have they tried to get off. I was always thinking he meant, “Well, now that the sky turned purple, yes we can”, but Naomi crashing kind of proves him, actually it proves me wrong. Unless she really did have a malfunction prior getting to the island. Michael and Walt are security on a mini island, and she was shot down, there I said it!!! Just you watch! (kidding)

Really quick, and this is something that needs to be put down and LOCKEd away if you will. Last night’s episode handed us a HUGE clue and COMPLETELY SEALED another theory I have of LOCKE and DESMOND switching roles after the explosion (read a few blogs prior, it’s the LOCKE THEORY). Last night blatantly threw that DESMOND was a MAN OF FAITH, very much what Locke is now. Since the explosion we have seen a much different Desmond. Look back at Desmond in this episode and you think to yourself “Wow Desmond, who knew this about you?”, Ruth would NEVER think of him doing that. His only religion was Celtic winning the CUP! Hahaha! LOVE IT!

Kidding. Just seeing if you are still reading!

Well, he never became the BIG FOOTBALLER I thought he was going to be, but he was singing Celtic’s Football Club song, ADORABLE! I still think with everyone on the island, I would be with Desmond most of the time, sorry Vanessa, it’s not Juliet, it’s Desmond. Wine, camping, and his football, I’M IN!!! Love it!

- Who is Naomi?
- How is Brother Campbell and Mrs. Hawking connected?
- How much longer will Charlie survive?
- Will it take Desmond dying to stop these flashes?
- Did the I-Phone really come out yet? (seriously, it looked like one! Take a look!)
- How is Widmore and the monastery involved with each other?
- A helicopter would never fly out that far, I’m thinking that it came from a HUGE boat, where is that boat?


Charlie (to Hurley) – ”Superman can fly around the entire planet, in the blink of and eye.” AND so can submarines, Ethan, Juliet and friends that teleport form the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in the blink of an eye as well. Just a reminder for some of you out there. Keep the brains ringing.

Brother Campbell (to Desmond) - ”God tests our faith in many ways, as you know we have our own tests here.” Is it me or am I the only one freaked out on that word “test” now. Seriously, when our first child comes to Vanessa and I saying “we have a test in spelling tomorrow, can you help me Daddy?” I’m going to tell the kid to run as far as they could, and never come back. “Let me see your arm, is there a Dharma logo on it?” But, seriously. Their own TESTS huh? Well after seeing the picture on his desk. I believe they do. He also mentions the keywords fit, faith, and goes in some circles of time and paths. Then says the magic words ”one of us. TESTS for the Man Of Faith.

Sawyer (to Kate) ”You need me to make you a mix-tape?” - BRIAN K. VAUGHAN AT WORK. Love it!

Hurley (to Desmond) - ”Watch the MASTER” Is it me, or does Hurley have a “clarify he is a leader of the week line”? Every week, it seems, Hurley is saying something, or maybe even doing something that shows he is at the right place right time and usually the one to control it. This week, the Fab Island Four was the premise and who was there? Yup, Hurley. Who had to say something for Nikki and Paolo during their burial? Hugo it is! Who set up the golf course? Okay, well he needs to get credit for it, that was awesome! Aren’t Gold Cups called “Masters?” I don’t know.

Hurley (to Jin) - ”I love the part about the bird, it was a bird right?” Looking back to Season 2’s episode “Live Together, Die Alone” and the bird swooping down, saying Hurley’s name made most of us say Hurley’s animal connection is a bird. Well, this line helps us remember that, and not to forget it. It’s funny how DamonCuse remind us all the time about things that might slip our minds.

Desmond (to Ruth) ”Yes, I was scared about the wedding, so I had a pint too many maybe, but I raised my eyes and I asked “Am I doing the right thing”, and that’s the last thing I remember but when I woke, I was lying in the street, and I don’t know how I got there…” A watcher was watching Desmond, drugged him and Desmond’s vision to become a monk and live with the monastery was clear. Desmond is Scottish and can drink a pint or two, trust me on that. Being a fan of a league team (LIVERPOOL!), and spending time at the pub, you know what you can drink and what you can’t. Desmond knows. So, a “watcher” mixes his pint with something, he falls asleep at the wheel, the watcher grabs him and Desmond ends up doing the right thing? What is the right thing? Desmond is NOT a Man of Faith, but he WAS, right? And now LOCKE and Desmond switched roles...Locke is the Man Of Faith…Superman was the Man Of Steel (kidding). But it makes sense!

Ruth (to Desmond) - ”It’s a good thing a bloody shepherd didn’t hell you up, you would be off with the sheep then.” Well Jack “Shepherd” has helped him up, and he is following the sheep if you think about it. The island is full of them.

Sawyer (to Kate and Juliet) - ”You guys arguing on who’s your favorite Other?” BRILLIANT!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!! Still laughing a bit! Ha! Friggin’ brilliant!

Sawyer (to Kate) - ”If Bernard asks, I don’t know a thing about it” WOW! Well well well, the name Bernard is brought back. I am so excited to get to the last portion of this blog post!!! WOOHOOOO! Season finale is coming up, and QUICK! Bernard huh?


Charlie (upon standing on the wire) – We see Charlie comment twice to Hurley’s argument about Flash and Superman. The first time Charlie steps on the wire he stops at “…then maybe we should fit Superman with a pair of Kryptonite…” stops there. But later on in the episode (35 minute mark), Charlie goes further with “…then maybe we should fit Superman with a pair of Kryptonite ballet slippers…” then continues with “What the hell?” I don’t know with this one, maybe being picky, but sometimes this show forces you to catch EVERYTHING, and continuity is not allowed. I’m thinking it’s nothing. Continuity.

With the Season 3 Finale coming up in 4 weeks (what the hell do we do ‘til Jan 2008?), I have a question for us and want to have some fun with it.

Q: What do you feel the HUGE cliffhanging SEASON FINALE be in 4 weeks? (Think of four things that you feel will be the Season Finale, come up with some ideas and post them in a reply, let’s see if any of us can predict something…I thought this might be fun for all of us)

1) Isaac will come back to us, thanks to Bernard a “Watcher”. I feel that Jacob IS Isaac from the episode of S.O.S., which Rose went to see when Bernard took her there. Isaac thought she was fit to be on the island and she ended up there.
(TRANSCRIPT of the their conversation)
Rose - So, uh, how does this, work? I sit here and you chant? Pray? Or what?

Isaac - There are certain places with great energy, spots on the earth. Like the one we’re above now. Perhaps this energy is geological, magnetic, or perhaps it’s something else? And when possible, I harness this energy and give it to “others”. May I?

(Reaches out for Rose’s face, places his hands centimeters from her cheeks and the music builds and he’s in deep thought, then he opens his eyes in shock. Pulls away)

Rose - What, what what is it?

Isaac - I’m sorry, I can’t do anything for you Rose.

Rose - I didn’t expect you to

Isaac - It’s not that you can’t be healed, it’s different energies, this is not the right place for you.

Rose - Where is the right place?

Isaac - I wish I knew

Also, really quick, Ben promises Juliet, Jacob can save Rachel from her cancer. Same way Isaac can save Rose. Also, We NEVER see Bernard on the plane, but Rose mentions to Jack, Bernard being in the bathroom. There’s the whole Black and White/Ying and Yang with Bernard and Rose. I feel that’s why we haven’t seen Bernard in so long and he was mentioned tonight, keep him out of sight, and people will forget, but when he shows up, Fans all over the world screaming “OHHHHH!!!” will happen. Also, Hurley mentions in “Expose” that the Mr. LaShade was “the Cobra” the WHOLE time after four seasons. An insider was the “man behind the curtain” if you will.
2) LOCKE comes out to get an “angry and much irritated with Ben” Mikhail, who didn’t actually die from the security shield. Mikhail refuses to be Ben’s bitch, and finally gets one over on him. And, Locke needs him to go behind the “others” and rescue Anthony Cooper, but someone will join them along the way, Sawyer. Sawyer kills Anthony Cooper.
3) Sun’s back starts to hurt from the pregnancy, and Juliet saves her. But, Sun has a problem which will be Sun or the baby, something wrong with Sun’s back. BUT, Juliet not talking to Jack anymore, means Jack can’t help her back, but Christian Shepard comes out of the woodwork, and asks Jack to help him.
4) Vincent’s cage is found. But Vincent’s dead body and collar is found too, IN THE CAGE!!! Hmmm…then who is that dog walking around the island?

There you are!!!!! Last night’s episode and more on LOST!. Please have fun with the Season Finale thoughts, I thought that would be fun to make a checklist for some of us an play with. But, none of them will be right knowing this show. Ha!

A QUICK HELLO to all you new readers! THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining us, and tell all your LOST friends to join too! Also, join our MYSPACE GROUP at

PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.

See you soon!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

LOST Theories: Where the Islands are, The Purge, Yellow Brick Road...

Bermuda triangle theory? Remember that when watching the first few episodes and you so badly believed that’s where they are. Well, that doesn’t seem so far fetched, since there was this whole Amelia Earhart anagram. Earhat dies flying over the Pacfic Ocean, so Bermuda is out of her question then. Well, there is one place; ten places actually, that supernatural activity has been reported. The Bermuda Triangle is part of these ten areas called the Vile Vortices. I know we’ve heard of these before, especially Sci-Fi fans. And, one of these areas is very much conveniently placed in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and California. (check the map above)
Vanessa and I ran this whole Bermuda Triangle theory, but NEVER dove into the whole Vile Vortices. In time I forgot about this, since this was probably our first time watching the show, but Vanessa brought it up the night of “One Of Us”, and now realized how much more this Vile Vortices makes sense. “One Of Us” displays an anagram which fits for Earhart, and also the OUTSIDE world knows Flight 815 has “disappeared”.
Each of these ten Vile Vortices are named, Bermuda Triangle being one of them, but the location that we feel the island on Lost is located, is surprisingly called “Loyalty Islands”. Now, on these “Loyalty Islands” there is civilization there, but these triangles/Vile Vortices are pretty HUGE, so, maybe there are a few islands for Dharma and Hanso surrounding them?
Well, when looking on google maps, I moved the map around to find JUST northeast of these “Loyalty Islands” but STILL in the triangle are 4 Islands. One major one with two mini islands accompanying it, plus a smaller one JUST a little more off. Looks like our islands! Looks like our LOSTIES.
Also, here is something interesting! Some say that planes, boats, etc. DO NOT disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, some survivors have said to teleport, or transfer to another Vile Vortices. Now, what if, what we saw this week, Ethan and Richard took Juliet towards the Bermuda Triangle, and they knew of an exact point where the teleport section of the Triangle? And Poof! They are now in that Loyalty Island section.
Spending A LOT of time on these websites, and researching these Negative to Positive energy islands, there are so many amazing coincidences to why this section of the earth is the perfect spot for our survivors of this crash. Speaking of CRASH, shouldn’t they be dead? Well. This section of the Vile Vortices holds positive energy. With the positive energy this section gives off, during the Chernobyl accident, this section of the earth, and so close to Ukraine, was unaffected by the explosion. No shit! Even Alaska felt the explosion and some were affected, but why not this triangle, these islands?
The Loyalty Islands also fit comfortably in the Polynesia Triangle. More Greek mythology to make our show’s ongoing Greek hints and appreciation stand out. Let’s go onto what we’re thinking might have happened. Getting onto the island.

What if the “Purge” was to “eliminate”, “cleanse”, or “eradicate” who ever was there before, and make the island their living space? Imagine Alvar Hanso is a Walt Disney figure at this point of our theory. What if, Alvar Hanso is very sick, but knows of a place that can “heal” people and was making a “beautiful place to live and maybe never get sick again” for the world? Hanso needed a team of scientists and doctors to figure out what this energy is.
Hanso buys these islands up, and finds companies like Widmore Pharmaceuticals, Apollo Foods, and Oceanic Air to put some money into this project and things are going smoothly. But at this time, they never knew that the islands powers have had “others” who may have lived there prior, had left the island. The island may not want anyone living there, making people “see things they have never even imagined” as Richard Alpert would say.
What if these flashbacks that we are seeing, it’s not only us seeing them, but the character that we are following that week is seeing as well. We notice that the flashback’s story ties in with the story of what the character is going through that week/day on the island. Maybe the island is reminding them of why these people are “bad” or their downfalls.
Back to Hanso. So Hanso starts to build this community and runs out of money since a lot of unfortunate events start to happen. The money runs out and never gets to finish his dream, and he’s not getting any younger, so they freeze him. Sponsors pull out, but these scientists still have a place to live. During their time there, people start to realize that love is forming on the island and babies are not being conceived on this island. In fact, women are dying on this island because of it. With never being sick, and working hard to make this island the “perfect place”, these scientists work harder, but in some years more people come in.
In 1970, The Hanso Foundation was forced to sell the island to the American Government, whom knows the power of this island, and they decide that they too, can use the islands powers. A married couple, scientists from Hanso and the University of Michigan, Gerrald and (a pregnant) Karen DeGroot, come up with the Dharma Initiative. They leave Hanso’s dream, and start to work for the government to keep their work going. Karen succeeds in having her baby, and she names him Benjamin. Some are amazed at Karen, but some seem skeptical, as if she’s a witch, or not normal. Some people shun the DeGroots, and “others” take them in, giving them a house in the barracks to raise the newborn Ben.
The Dharma Initiative uses their information to “help save the world.” Gerald and Karen not knowing of what the Government REALLY had up their sleeve, Gerald and Karen are put on the back burner. Which is okay, since the birth of Ben and raising him was very important since their were no children on the island.
Between Dharma and Hanso, the island is not big enough for the two of them. In time, they share the island, but Dharma start to go crazy being confined in these hatches. Hatches being built because of in 1986, the explosion in Chernobyl (or something like this) and they are forced to be quarantined. Not knowing the power of the island, Dharma look foolish to Hanso, and something has to be done.
Hanso feels that Dharma don’t belong, so they decide to take their island back. What we know as the “Purge”, Hanso fail in taking back the island. But killing off many of the Dharma (including Gerald and Karen), Ben is 16 years old by this time and can take care of himself.
As we know I don’t want to get in too much about after the Purge, but! I LOVE the idea of Hanso being this Disney mogul-type, and being so close to Oceanic Air mogul Michael Orteig and knows of a spot in the Berumda Triangle that teleports you to these islands. Hanso checks it out, and winds up purchasing these “Special” islands that he will make MILLIONS on by building a civilization where NO ONE gets ill, but time lapsed because of no babies are allowed to be born on the island. Hanso lost money, went frozen until they solved the problem, looks like it might be happening with Aaron being born (or is it Ben?).
The island will give you want you want (Hurley’s van, connecting him with his father), but wants only what is on there (in their minds). It feels it has what it needs on there, and doesn’t want any more, maybe the island isn’t smart enough. But the island saw something in Ben, knowing there is this evil inside him and the island knew his destiny and knew he would help the island. Ben is born on the island, BUT he will not have the powers that “others” have, handed to him. He can feel pain, he can get sick, etc. But someone like, let’s say VERY CLOSE to Ben, like Locke, could and heals very quickly.

Something stuck me odd when we first met Ben and what I like to call the “Yellow Brick Road” theory. When we first met Ben he went as the name Henry Gale (uncle to Dorothy Gale in the Wizard Of Oz) and the story of the Wizard Of Oz keeps coming back. Think about how Dorothy gets to Oz, a tornado teleports her, if you will (in a dream, but Lost wouldn’t do that to us) and is forced to meet new people and make friends. But in the end of Oz, we find out that the Oz friends, Dorothy was connected to, even related to. Jack and Claire. Get it. Well, I want to tackle the Wizard if you will, the “Man Behind The Curtain” as he is credited as. What if, and what if, we think of Jack as Dorothy and at the end of the movie, the man who brings Dorothy back was a doctor who was no other than the Man Behind the Curtain as well, and Jack’s dad, Christian is a doctor. If you look at the credits for Frank Morgan in the Wizard of Oz, he plays MANY roles in the film, very much like Christian Shepherd. But everyone else plays TWO roles, very much like EVERYONE on the show. Flashback, and island.
This “Yellow Brick Road” theory, I would like to get more into, but I have taken away from the Island. Sorry! I have a great idea for all of us LOST fans to get into for next weeks blog post, and that’s for the season finale coming in almost a month.

(1999 by Prince in my own words)
“I was rushing when I wrote this, so sue me if it makes no sense.”
Sorry this was such a rant, I wrote this in such a hurry and I don’t want to look back, because I will start to edit it, and look too much into it and never post it. So, there will be holes in what I say, and maybe not make much sense. I didn’t want to go into the Purge, or Dharma, or Hanso, but I do, and it’s going to bite me in the ass later. Think of the Islands and where they are.

Thank you guys!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

my LOST DREAM! Predcition I guess, Vincent, Black Smoke, Brodie!

As some of you know, I had my wisdom teeth pulled out (yes, I'm 32!! Late bloomer OKAY!) , and the tooth that was next to the bottom right (#31, yup, I know the tooth number, that's how many times I've been to Dr. Behner) needed a filling. Well, I think I'm in need of a root canal at this point, and I woke up at 4:30am in some pain. But what woke me, had to be one of the most abrupt ways to wake. You know the falling off a cliff, and wake up upon impact? Here's the dream.
I'm on the island (I shit you not), and instead of what the producers would have as a baby crying somewhere in the jungle, it was one of our three kitties howling, Brodie. I'm walking around the jungle looking for this sound. I know it's island too, just from how comfortable I was in the dream, knowing where I was going as if one of the characters always seem to know on the show.
After feeling LOST for so long and not being able to find Brodie, Vincent is about 20 yards from me staring at me and panting. He turns his head and books it into the jungle. I follow him (damn, I'm stupid), and we run for a bit. I lose him, but we end up to where there is a tree and a cage right next to it. I see the carcass of an animal and I'm thinking Brodie didn't make it after the crash. I walk up to the cage and decaying animal seems t big to be Brodie and I look closer and there is a collar.
"Brodie doesn't have a collar"
At this time, I turn the color and name one the collar to read, Vincent. The dog that was JUST running in the woods, making me come out here, is dead, decaying in this cage. Did he NOT survive the crash and dead this whole time? Then who is the dog running…
That's the point I turn around and the BLACK SMOKE and impales me making me wake up.


- Is Vincent's cage still out there?
- Is Vincent still in the cage?
- Am I bad? (kidding)
- Can I harm the island? (ha!)


Thursday, April 12, 2007


First off, one thing must be said and done, and taking a moment to honor an amazing novelist and brilliant writer Kurt Vonnegut, who passed away last night. You will be missed, and thank you for some excellent excellent work. (it’s 7:15am, and this is what I JUST woke up to! Sad). I will not blog about it, this will be a blog everyone will do, but I will honor him and appreciate everything he did.



Good episode? Yeah! Good episode!!!! But, did we get duped with TWO Juliet flashbacks this early in the season. The ONE character, besides Ben, that needs to keep us hanging on with was Juliet. We could have used a Sawyer flashback or a Jin/Sun flashback this week, and maybe hit us HARD with Juliet, but the pacing in this season is incredible. (Always has been for most of the doubters prior.) So we were hit VERY HARD with some familiar faces, and some secrets revealed that were predictions whispered on the couch while we were watching Season 1.
One thing I did LOVE about this episode was, ALL the hints, secrets, theories, puzzles, were in the flashbacks really. Maybe all but the marking on the tree (similar to Juliet’s back), this episode’s secrets was all flashback. BUT, what did we get out of this episode that focused so much on Juliet and the secrets of the Others?


Nothing gets solved here, just some recapping and maybe reassuring us Jack is still one of the Flight 815 survivors. This whole scene and the last scene helps us realize how much one man can take, and soon we will see how more he can’t take. Jack’s pretty angry and honestly, he doesn’t need to take this shit from anyone. 3 months ago he started a new life clean slate and already he has been broken hearted. I DO NOT want to be around that island when Jack discovers Juliet’s true plans. “Don’t trust a word she says” may be the only once of truth out of Ben’s mouth.

And the pilot will be Noah himself. Okay! Three things I got from the name HERARAT was, ONE – Juliet IS a rat (her a rat). And TWO – Ararat was the resting place for Noah’s Ark after the floods. Tsunami anyone? Floods? I’m telling you. THREE – ANAGRAM TIME – Earhart, as in Amelia Earhart, who mysteriously died over the Pacific Ocean in 1937. The name Herarat is a pretty shady/shit name for an aviation company. Don’t Google this one, no fake websites.

Jim pointed this out, MAYBE the submarine NEVER moved. And YES, of course it didn’t. I agree with Jim on this one. Juliet was transported by Herarat Aviation and taken on the island for her to believe SHE TOO cannot get off the island. Ben has this whole “warden” persona, and uses it to have the upper hand on anyone. Another thing, HOW GORGEOUS was that shot of the submarine and the island?!?! WOW! Does anyone remember Skeleton Crew by Stephen King and the whole teleportation story “The Jaunt.” Great collection. “The Monkey” and “The Raft!!!!” Read some of these.


So Jack, Kate, Sayid are back home, and this time they brought a friend and Jack almost has to ask the camp, “Can we keep her, huh, can we, please? I promise she’ll be good. She won’t shit on the rug”, or sand for that matter. I guess she might have to now.
But she was good, for the most part. Saved Claire’s life, right? Hmmm. But there was something more deep down that confused me and that was Jack’s “Do you trust me?” attitude or more fright than anything. Fright of losing everyone’s trust?
It’s been 18 days since Jack was at camp, and kidnapped from the Others. Everyone seemed happy to see him, but we didn’t hear “Jack guess what?” and “You’ll never guess what Hurley did!!!” or even “Nikki and Paolo, these two died from, blah blah blah.” None of that. Jack must realize that his position as leader might have diminished, since it’s been 3 months and everyone might start taking control of their own destiny on the island. Everything Jack stands for to the Losties, s slowly going away.

We know this whole being pregnant on the island is a no no. But, how were Karl and Alex born on the island? Were they BEFORE the “Purge” and was this why the island was under quarantine? Alex and Karl, we need MORE!

Ben=Puffy Combs on Loyalty Island! Get with Ben and your name is on the “list.” The scene with Juliet on the rocks watching the water was pretty intense. This was Ben’s lying and conniving ways on steroids. Sabine, Mikhail, Jacob all in ONE conversation, wow Ben, who else are we missing?
Sabine? Who? I think it was referenced to one of the greatest love stories ever told “Griffin and Sabine” of two people corresponding through postcards, and their love goes full-force in some mysterious ways. But, Sabine lives on an island and is a stamp maker. Soul mates, or “a figment of my imagination” accuses Griffin to Sabine. READ this! Excellent. Great reference.
Mikhail. Yes we heard his name before, I mean shit, we watch the man die, BUT what is all this we see him doing? (more to come). And JACOB AGAIN!!!! Whoohoo, now he cures cancer. Is that what he was doing while trying to get his LOVE Rose onto the island. Jacob, we’ll call Bernard for now, went to meet Rachel, bumps into Rose, and we have a love story. He takes Rose to, wait, this not a recap, this is a theory. (more to come, someday, I love to tease ya!)


Wow! Wow! WOW! That scene where Juliet tells Ben he has cancer, the argument that rears its ugly head, and some acting that BLEW ME AWAY. Some of the best acting we have seen YET on this show, and I guarantee we will see some Emmy noms and Golden Globe noms for this season going to Michael Emerson and Elizabeth Mitchell. Congrats to them for this remarkable episode.

Oh man. This man was a loose canon. Itchy trigger finger for Sayid, knows more than meets the eye with Locke, tells his co-worker to kill him, but it’s Locke who kills him. What gives? Why did Mikhail want to die so bad? AND, how did Mikhail KNOW that Sayid, Locke and Kate were coming to move all the screens and video console by the time they got there. Mikhail had a bad-ass hatch, and it seems it got stripped down somewhat after the crash. I REPEAT, he wants to die so bad, but why? What did these “hostels” do to him? Did he do something like Juliet, and still not forgiven Mikhail for his mistakes? Did Mikhail kill someone too? Why the patch? Cyclops? Ha! Sorry.

These two should take their little act on the road. But, once you get a heckler like Juliet, and it’s all over. Wow! For a second I think I could hear EVERYONE watching the show gasp for something major going to happen. But it’s Juliet who turns the tables and amazes us, and truly amazes herself as well. Will we be seeing more of Sawyer and Sayid together, working together, some foreshadowing here?

“One Of Us” huh? Jim and Jaosn were over last night and when we get into conversations about films, it gets crazy. But one film didn’t strike any nerves last night and seems no one owns this on DVD. What’s wrong with us!?!?!
The 1932 film “Freaks” (a must see for all of you David Lynch fans) has this remarkable and most stand out lines in the film “One of us, one of us.” This line is used and repeated by some of the cast members (freaks if you will), in the marriage scene where Cleo marries Hans. Cleopatra never intended to be with Hans, cause she loved, but for the fact of money. Cleopatra never liked the circus freaks anyway. Well, later on Cleo is brutally attacked when the circus freaks find out about her evil ways and make Cleopatra deformed, making her “One Of Them.”
How does this connect with Juliet? Well we have two theories here. Juliet is LYING to Ben and going to go behind his back and save the “Losties”, or if the reference sticks true, then Juliet is evil, hates the Losties and is only doing it for Ben’s (something), and the Losties will attack, and you don’t want that, duh duh dun uh.


Let’s think about this. HARD! Ben has this whole plan of the injecting Claire WEEKS before this conversation with Juliet. He KNEW damn well that the injection planted in Claire would give way and make her sick on point, and precise. 48 hours yes, but to implant her weeks ago to get Juliet over there. COME ON!
He knew what he was doing pre-flight. Getting Rose on that flight for Jacob, I mean BERNARD. Making Flight 815 crash, and how? Oh man, I have a SURPRISE for you tomorrow! One thing that makes me go, “OH MAN no WAY!!!!!” in that scene is when Ben says “Claire should be symptomatic in 48 hours”, Juliet looks at Ben then looks up thinking “Oh man, you are an asshole buddy, and if you think you are taking me with you, you’re taking the piss, ya dummy!” Re-watch that scene! I have a feeling we may have one of the greatest cliff hanging season finales known to man.


Juliet (to Rachel) – “I’m never going to fit in with these people” Eh, probably not, but you are doing an amazing job showing them both sides of the story. One day you want to stay on the island and have sexy time with Goodwin, and another day you want off the island so bad, you are grabbing Ben by the shirt crying into his chest.. These Mitelos Bioscience/Hostels know what they want, and Juliet seems to still not know what’s going on.

Juliet (to Richard) – “I didn’t even know they had an airport out here.” Submarine huh? Hell no! They flew Juliet out there. To a submarine, that doesn’t even work? Need to work? Should work? Have to work? (more in the Unanswered questions). You might not be able to fly planes onto to Loyalty Island, so where does this submarine park itself?

Richard Alpert (to Juliet) – “I know six months sounds like eternity, but you’ll be amazed on how time flies once your there.” Once again, TIME is not on your side Juliet. What does this mean? Time flies! All these references on time. Is Juliet enslaved by time and space? I don’t think so.

Juliet (to Hurley) – “I had the day off” What is this? Was this her sarcasm to fit in? Did she really have the day off that day while everyone else was busy whispering in the woods and kidnapping our Lostie friends? I found this interesting. Maybe nothing at all.

Ben (to Juliet) – “Unless you don’t have faith in him.” Man! Faith in Jacob? Ben gets kind of weird with Jacob. But with Ben, I don’t think there is faith. He has the WHOLE thing planned out. I mean, Mikhail had this amazing equipment to watch people and news. And that is taken away from him when Ben says so. Ben has so much up his sleeve, and the Flame Hatch isn’t even the least bit of it. Where did they go now?

Juliet (to Goodwin) – “Karl developed some X-Rays for me” Karl did what? First time we met this chump he was reading “A Brief History In Time” guarding the Room 23 main door. So, is he a tech, nurse, doctor’s assistant? What’s up with Karl, is he more than meets the eye?

Ben (to Juliet) - Maybe there’s one on that plane! He’s not asking if there is a pregnant woman on the plane, or questioning it. HE KNOWS there is. Ben knows all. Ben is on time and on point with everything. He knows there’s some pregnant women on the plane.

Juliet (to Ben) – I’m fine” Ben gets through all the plans and how things are going to roll out with the Juliet being one of them. But WOW JULIET, you don’t look fine, you look as if you may have been brainwashed or giving a less hearted robotic answer. RE-WATCH THIS SCENE. WOW! Friggin intense. GREAT!

Ben (to Juliet) - “See you in a week” Ben assures Juliet after the pans are done and she is made camp with the Losties, he’ll see her in a week. Not if Penny and her trusty boat can help it. This will give us 6 episodes and 6 days for something major to happen. That takes us to, one of my favorite sections of the blog.


- Juliet will cave in and a boat coming to take Desmond away means a HUGE chance for her to get off the island.
- In 6 days (that’s how many episodes are left anyway), a boat will come to get Desmond off the island, this will get in Ben’s way of his plans and keeping Juliet there and his rabbits Sun and Claire. Don’t blow this one up Locke.
- The Desmond flashback needs to be right around the corner and needs to explain more on his “time and space” condition (that was ONCE LOCKES!!!) and the military.
- It takes two to tango might be a huge discovery for me while watching Lost. We see Juliet’s face when she realizes how bad she’s going to HURT Jack, and the tie of the knot. But, we have yet to see Jack’s face. Jack knows better, he was hurt by so many people, may he have learned his lesson with Kate. Probably not, but it takes two to tango!



- How can Mitelos, Flight 815 or Hostels fly out to the island, but no one else can?
- Where the hell is Rousseau?
- Sabine died on the operating table, BUT how far was she? Did she have the baby?
- Did Ben really know about the tumor in his back? Make it happen?
- Has Jack been faking it?
- Where is this island? Hmmm? We’ll talk more tomorrow!!!

Thanks everyone!!! Great episode, and I think this one will bring us to third base, and soon gets us home! Baseball night last night and Jim’s Pirates lost, Jason’s Red Sox lost, and our Mets LOST!


PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.

Thursday, April 05, 2007



. Wow, much needed.
Oy, what a night. So many predictions felt like they were (in Lost terms) answered. And one I was so happy to see was the prediction of the rain!!! Whoohoo, called that one, and felt great to see, wait, rain only happened for the same length as the black smoke right? REWATCH! What the hell was THAT? So no Nikki coming back, so close, BUT,

Juliet called the rain, giving 30 second before it actually came down, the same amount of time, Locke to Boone. That scene was totally almost a spitting image of Locke and Boone in Season One with Locke predicting the rain. Wonder what’s going on here?
Juliet has some issues. Like everyone, or anyone on the island, she has death, cheating, and lack of confidence surrounding her. The lack of confidence might have been the reason to handcuff herself to Kate, seeing what her feelings for Jack really were. Or pushing Kate’s buttons to see what Kate would do, and see what her love for Jack really is. Okay, I know we saw all this, and we get it, sorry. But what is up with Juliet?
Juliet seems to be a kung-fu master in navy seal mode, taking down Kate with only one swift flip. Was she gassed? NO! With the knife, anticipating Kate to take it from her, as if she was awake the whole time. In fact Juliet never sleeps it seems, even after the black smoke scanned her I the tree house. Juliet is not what she seems. What is IS, is a doctor (with some badass training), and someone is need to a fertility doctor on the beach. So, Juliet, we introduce to you, SUN! Plus, she has some history with Sawyer still, right? It’s going to get good.
Another thing really quick about Juliet, she would have shown Kate (but mostly us, as we know Lost loves to do) her marking on her back if what she was saying we’re true. To remind us, that she was marked. When Jack sets Juliet free, from the jury and they mark her, Tom’s face hits the floor. Seems like what’s about to happen to her, might be the worst punishment for anyone. What if it’s not that? What IF, when Jack told them to set her free, if they said, well Jack thinks she’s fit to become our doctor, a watcher, and a mole if you will. I understand the arguments here, that it was Ben that had to do it, YES of course it was, but it was BECAUSE of Jack that Ben made the move. TESTS!
I think they moved Juliet up in the ranking of “others” more than just letting her go to death. Juliet was NEVER to die, they were waiting to see what Jack would do. He did it, and now she’s moved up to be something more powerful. She can kick ass, she can kick ass on no sleep, and she’s just all around KICK ASS! LOVE JULIET, best character we have going for us in this season. HURLEY AND JULIET, you have a spot at our dinner table ANY NIGHT you’d like!

The smoke has been amazing thus far, but FINALLY the writers/producers (DamonCuse) gave us a shape and form to this monster for us geeks to finally go, OH MAN!!!! NICE!!!
If anyone like myself is a HUGE gamer, and plays RPG’s like a mutha, then you would have noticed something about the Smokey. As a kid playing Zelda, Final Fantasy Castlevania, Devil May Cry and I’m even playing right now GOD OF WAR, we seem to always fight a Cerberus. Three headed dog. Last night, the smoke, it floated as if it was a three-headed “something”, not saying a dog. WAIT! YES I AM! Vincent. So, as of today we will be calling the black smoke as it was called in Greek mythology and many enjoyable video games, “Cerberus.”
Cerberus was a three headed dog that protected Hades, and also known as the “demon of the pit.” Cerberus is a tough mother, but Hercules defeated it once, and has weaknesses. Song and water. Charlie=song. But, water, which brings us to,

Why is the rain so evil!!! Ana-Lucia kills Shannon in the rain. Desmond predicts a major rainstorm to Charlie. Walt (what I’m thinking) stopped the rain so Michael could find his dog. Ethan was shot in the rain, and beat Jack to a pulp. Why is the rain SO BAD? Plus, why the hell did the rain go away when “Cerberus” did? Did anyone notice that the rain came, so did Cerberus, but then went away when the rain did, or vice versa. Like Desmond said, expect a rainstorm.


Juliet IS an OTHER. As soon as Juliet SCREAMS in pain from the dislocated shoulder, her “dog”, her guardian, her CERBERUS, comes to save her. The black smoke comes to her aide. But Cerberus just gets in the way to Juliet’s plans with Kate, so Juliet has Cerberus scan HER and not Kate. Juliet plays dumb to what the Cerberus is, but then when the truth (the KEY) came out, Juliet became a loin tamer to it, and knew EXACTLY what to do with the security barrier. Juliet is one of them, and the producers/writers (DamonCuse) gave that to us so EARLY! Which can lead us to.

Greatest line in the show EVER! Damon Lindeoff’s way of saying “haha, I know what you guys (us) are going through, and it’s SO MUCH FUN!” But Kate has no friggin’ clue what’s up! Poor Kate, she’s stuck with Juliet who’s sitting there letting Kate pour some shit about the village Juliet lives in, being gassed and her friends, and Juliet is sitting there as if to say, “Yes yes, my sweet dear Kate, yes, tell me.” But when in all honesty, Juliet is thinking, you poor sad little sucker of a “bad” person. But bad? How do we know this?
Locke was told, by the Others, “what Kate did”, so he says. Isn’t that Season 1? GREAT EPISODE (What Kate Did, go watch it again this week since this flashback happened connects to What Kate Did) But, did they tell Locke who Jack was, and Sayid, and anyone else? Is Ben and Locke passing pints around, playing backgammon (black and white), or Mouse Trap (which we see in this episode TWICE!) Last thing we remember was Locke f’ed things up for the Others, but in all honesty, he made things, SO MUCH BETTER! Plus, why is Locke bandaged up? Did he take it out on the real Sawyer?


I think this was the first time we had a flashback that was based on a connection. Is it me, or are we going to see these happen more often? You can’t take that away from us. Jack and Sarah will connect soon with other members, and so will Sawyer and the real Sawyer. I have a feeling flashbacks are obsolete in Season 5.
Also, in this flashback! Did Cassidy know Diane Janssen (Kate’s mom) at all? We see Kate’s mom stare her down for like 4 seconds before we hear “Go, go, go!” Now let’s go back and remember, Diane waited on Sawyer in Keith’ Diner in “the Long Con.” Is there more to the story we don’t know about? Also, bibles, being sold, is DamonCuse trying to sell us on the fact more biblical shit is to hit the fan?

Backgammon came back! Mouse trap is back. Cowboy up (Sawyer tells Karl to do) and Kate’s hat says “Cowboy Up”. Good people, bad people. Juliet has dislocated her shoulder 4 times, a number! Watership Down is being read again, more on that to come. MAJOR reoccurring things here.

“I’m not supposed to be here”, and yes, I know what he meant, meaning in the exact same spot as Sawyer for that moment. But, we know what he meant. I’m telling you! He was NEVER meant to get on that plane. And NOW, Hurley is proving my case right, more and more every week. The island had showed us the fear Hurley has. The numbers, Libby’s death, monsters, etc., but since the van, Hurley took that fear, met it face to face, and now is the real Hurley. The Hurley who built the golf course to better everyone, a TRUE leader if you will. Jack ya nunce, you’re no leader, neither is Sawyer, Sayid or Kate, HURLEY it’s YOU!

The Island is very tricky, not saying it’s smart, but sneaky, and has faults like all of us. It can give you what you want, like McCrutcheons Whiskey, Apollo Candy, Expose, the Numbers, Mouse Trap (we got into that), etc. It reads inside you’re head and gives the victim similarities to their past, and it becomes a test.
The island might have proved something we talked about with Mikhail and Locke. The security barrier. Was it on when Locke threw him in? No! Did Locke WANTING it to be on, make the fence turn on? Yes! Juliet had to push some numbers (1623) to turn it on, then arm the red button. It was off before hand, now it was on?
But it’s faults are starting to rear it’s ugly head, like giving Hurley a van. Hurley, Vincent, and Charlie, racing to their death, then Hurley wanting to come over faliure SO BAD, defeats the Island and his fear is gone. The Island is so screwed with Hurley now, it’s amazing. Someone who’s not supposed to even be there, is solving it’s puzzles and tests. Hurley might have done a bad bad thing with Nikki and Paolo, but Vincent knows they’re alive, and someone needs those diamonds. Did Hurley kill anyone? More to come.

This week is, uh, wait, this can’t be right. “Watership Down”? Didn’t Sawyer already read this? Hmmm. Didn’t I just erase this off my DVR so I can keep my back episodes of Lost? Damnit! But I do see a connection, but what I might be seeing here is maybe a connection of the book to next week’s episode. Think about it, the book comes out FIRST, then comes the movie, or TV. So, we get the book, then the next week’s episode will connect.
The rabbits will be Jack, Kate, Juliet, Sayid walking through the jungle to get to a “better” place. The rabbits were “running” from the dogs in Watership Down, but in this case the Losties are running from, wait, I don’t know. Need to read this again, I have it somewhere.

Are they taking the same self-defense classes? Kate is getting the shit kicked out of her by these two.


Writers/Producers – DamonCuse
Black Smoke – Cerberus

ANSWERED (in my eyes)
- Desmond is hunting boar huh? Locke type things to do
- Hurley is NOT supposed to be there.
- Juliet is an “other”

- Where is Rousseau?
- Juliet is a ninja warrior? From where?
- Where did the “others” go?
- Why didn’t the rabbits live in the barracks?
- Jack can sleep for a long time, or was he gassed a day later?


- Locke is an "other", Cerberus scanned Locke and let him go. Locke and Ben brothers still? Oh yes oh yes!
- Bernard is HIM! It’s official!
- Juliet is promoted to a “watcher” now, and will watch Sun’s pregnancy
- Major fights will happen making more rain come, meaning Nikki will come back.
- So many to think of, maybe next week, before this next episode I will spill some beans. But, I must put up the BLOG for you!

Okay everyone, here you are. Last night’s “Left Behind”! Enjoy!

PLEASE!!!! Check back tomorrow, or a little bit after to see what I, or WE, commented back to your comment. Myspace DOES NOT tell you if someone commented back, so check the blog again. EVERY FRIDAY every comment left will have a comment back from me.


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