Thursday, February 08, 2007


All I have to say is DIG DEEP everyone, DIG DEEP. Wow! I can’t even BELIEVE last night’s episode and the theories being dropped on us like Hiroshima. All I need to say is last night was WAAAAAY creepy, and this morning got weirder. As sitting down to write this, and looking at my (don’t make fun) notes, I took MITTELOS (Richard Alpert’s Bioscience company) and did my name scrambler and got some new words.

MITTELOS - Lost Time, Time Slot (ha!), Time Lost

But that’s not what freaked me out. As we remember Oceanic Airlines had their own website, so I’m sure Mittelos Bioscience did too, right? Well, yes they did! was up, which I can’t get on anymore and found some interesting shit, wow freaky. A video! I won’t sleep tonight it’s that freaky.

(A little girl is on the screen and we hear a voice talking to her, and it’s got to be Rachael, Juliets’s sister. The girl starts saying we miss you, Hi aunt Julie. Then it goes into some freaky static and a voice talking about Juliet being a experiment. I will get some visuals and a script if I can, soon!)

As, I am writing this, Vanessa and I are throwing theories back and forth in AIM, and wow! Posting them all. But. Let’s go with the obvious ones.

RECAPPING Last night’s “Not In Portland” Episode, (which is weird, I kept mentioning Portland last night)


DANNY/PICKETT – “Shepard never was on Jacob’s list” Last episode, Danny made that apparent, but now the show has made it apparent that Danny wasn’t needed anymore, and that Jacob exists. Well, Danny’s dead, why? Colleen is dead, so more baby? Colleen might have been pregnant. What was the weirdness though with Ben and Colleen the night Colleen died, and Juliet was there. Jacob? More to come, MUCH MORE!

JULIET - “DON’T let him fool you, He’ll never let a patient just die” Meaning, when Jack said “I will let him die” (Ben on the table), but Jack has always admitted he would never let anyone die on his table, something his father knew WAY to well. Donde esta Christian? Also, remember that Ben heard everything Tom and Jack said about Juliet wanting him dead. But, don’t expect Juliet gone anytime soon.

TOM – “They’ve got history” (to Jack in the viewing room, about Juliet and Ben). I don’t think Tom meant they have history as in lovey dovey, but as in Jacob. MORE TO COME.

TOM – “As soon as the sky turned purple…” I’m sick of something cutting Tom off and then we miss they next thing. I know we all expecting Tom to say “…turned purple, we can’t get off the island”, but what if that’s not true. NOW THEY CAN! Huh?! Yeah! What if they couldn’t before, but now they can?

Dr. RICHARD ALPERT – “Isn’t it true you successfully impregnated a male field mouse” (To Juliet). Yes she did! And she’ll do it again, or has she? To who? Maybe Hurley is not even, okay sorry Jorge, you know I love you, please keep reading. ALSO, the pics of the woman’s womb, Dr. Juliet Burke isn’t as dumb as we think. Woman in her 70’s, but Dr. Alpert corrects her and says “in her mid-twenties”, what’s this? Who’s womb?

JULIET – “If he were hit by a bus, that might help” – AND HE WAS!! Does Juliet and Desmond share something much more than we know, or was it Dr. Alpert? Why does Ed Burke get hit by the bus? Did Juliet make things happen or know they will happen, like Desmond has been since the hatch went KA-BLOOOIE! Connection about to be made, SOON!

Alex – “Go ahead, Call him! I’m sure he’s got nothing better to do.” (To Aldo) Uh, doesn’t everyone know Ben is in surgery at this time, so why would Alex be ordered to take Sawyer and Kate to the cells. So, it’s not Ben who’s Alex’s dad, IT’S GOT TO BE JACOB! Or Christian, ha! Kidding.


JULIET – Yes, she’s special. NO! She did not make a drug that will make you pregnant. That’s what Ethan was doing in the beginning of the episode, and Rachael is in on it. BUT, YES YES YES Juliet is special, like WALT. Think about all the things Walt was doing in seasons 1 and 2. That’s why they NEED her on the island. NOT cause of the needles.

ALEX - Daughter of one of the higher beings, maybe even granddaughter to Jacob. We’re supposed to think it’s the daughter of Ben’s, but Rousseau and Ben? What about Jacob and Rousseau? Yeah?! Yeah, sounds more like it. Also, what else does Alex do besides make little ditches all over the island?

CARL - Or do we call him Alex for this episode my little Droogs. Poor guy. Wait, Alex! Ha! Sorry, didn’t mean to confuse, but that scene was a little too Clockwork Orange for me. What was the experiment that they were doing on Carl? And why was Sawyer so into it as well? Who was the face on Carl when the glasses came off? The ONLY moving image, we also see him again when Carl is carried out. Looks like Chris Bain or Chris Rae! But is it Jacob, he looks so young though. Maybe it’s from the past!

ALDO – Reading “Brief History In Time” and taking notes. Big Bang theories and time travel? Sounds like Richard Kelly should start sending fans of his Donnie Darko phenomenon to Lost.

RACHAEL –Juliet’s sister. Pregnant. Okay, look, I can’t handle this anymore.

WE NEED TO TALK (anyone who’s still reading!!)

In the Hebrew bible, Jacob had four wives. One was Rachael who had a son named Benjamin. Another son was Joseph. But three out of four is RAD! Take in mind though, Rachael was barren, and couldn’t have kids, kind of like Juliet’s sister Rachael in Lost. Rachael did give birth to Joseph, but later on she died while giving birth to her second child, Benjamin! Also, this is the same Jacob where the term Jacob’s Ladder was given. Angels, Heaven, Ups and downs. Ya dig?

JACOB – Runs the island. That’s it, sorry everyone. I know I’m saying more to come, more to come, more to come. But, oh man, there is so much more to come.

Desomnd/Juliet - What’s up with these two? What can they do? What’s the connection? Since the sky turned purple is an excuse people have been using, even in this episode Tom says it to Jack.

THE NUMBER 23: Eat your heart out Joel Schumacher. Lost is kicking ass with the number as well, ya big dummy. Jack’s seat on Oceanic 815 was 23B, the plane was at Gate 23, and Carl was stored in room 23! Wella Wella What?!

ROOM 23: Isn’t this the same room that Walt was going into last season? In Clockwork Orange you were desensitized by the images and music. Kind of like this room. Carl was acting up, and thrown in. BUT! Sawyer was into it too! What is it!?! And is Jacob the face in it?!

PREDICTIONS (we don’t watch trailers/previews, or anything like that, so these are just our predictions, remember, please don’t give anything away by saying “Well, on the preview we see Jack and Kate, and Walt, and the Elephant Man)

KATE/JACK: She’s going back for him, I mean come on. Of course. Locke has to find the PATCH IN THE HATCH!

SUN – pregnant right? Well, she was injected in the garden, hit in the head by Charlie. What if the injections were from earlier when Ethan was injecting Claire, what if Sun was being injected by Juliet? Or THAT island is still supernatural. It’s got to be.

WALT – “You’re not my dad”, Jesus if I heard that little runt say that to Michael once more, BUT! Wait! Vanessa made a point about, what if Walt was an experiment, and NOT REALLY MICAHELS! Makes sense. With all this pregnant talk, and Walt being the evil one on the island, okay, NOT EVIL, but the Black and Locke is the White. Yessir. More on that soon!

LAST! Christian Shepard is alive and here is a HUGE discovery. When Juliet is in the morgue and the guys from Mittelos come in, Ethan and Dr. Alpert, well if they can let themselves in that morgue, why not go in when Jack sees his dad to identify the body of Papa Shepard. Inject something to make him seem dead.


3 years, 3 months, and 28 days as of 02/07/07: This is what happened according to

Stephen Hawkin + Computers= World Domination


Love ya losters!


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