PLEASE REMEMBER!!!! These are not SPOILERS, this is from the brains of ME, VANESSA and JIM. Not even predictions, maybe some are, most I guess, but THIS IS A HUGE THEORY.)
REALLY QUICK - John Locke is THE reason we are on this island. This will be John Locke’s second time being on the island, and if what I’m thinking is true, Locke switched places with Desmond after the Swan exploded.
PRE-SEASON ONE– Once upon a TIME, there was a boy who played MouseTrap with his brother, but how they lost touch, we don’t know. But then there were a list of problems for this man.
- winds up a foster child & doesn’t know his real parents
- can’t keep a real job (every time I’ve seen him, he’s a had a new one)
- meets his mother, and tells him he was immaculately conceived and a special “destiny”.
- Meets this man, Cooper, whom he thinks is his father, and they HUNT together and become great friends
- Gives Cooper his kidney, then Cooper ditches him in the hospital, and later finds out their not even related
- meets a woman, Helen, in Anger Management, has the worst time trying to commit.
- While trying to commit, she makes him chose between her, or the obsession he has with the man Cooper. Who comes back into his life, and offers him a deal (a TEST if you will). Helen finds out, and he loses her.
- He ends up taking a job at a box company, where is picked on by co-workers.
- Starts calling phone sex lines and talking to them about going to Australia, and calling the girls Helen.
After some time, the man, John Locke, thinks he can make things better and decides to join the military. During a physical, the doctor notices something growing on Locke’s spine. At this time or close to it, his brother comes back, and needs this man’s help. In the kind nature of John Locke, he helps his brother and takes him in. His brother “knows someone (guess who!)” who can help with his spine, and starts giving him pills for it. Theirs no pain, but then Locke is unable to walk and ends up in a wheelchair.
The military tell him, he can still help in a way, if he’d like to “save the world” by just PUSING BUTTONS. They are working on this program called the Dharma Initiative, and can use him. They tell him of an island, where there are stations, hatches, doing tests to help mankind. It takes Locke a bit to think about, but his brother agrees with Dharma and Locke decides to go.
While Locke is pushing numbers into a computer in this Swan hatch, he meets some incredible people. He meets Mikhail, who works in this other hatch called The Flame. Mikhail comes in to pick up some food and alcohol (all alcohol has the Swan logo on it). Also, Locke hears stories on how there are “others” on the island, who have been there before Dharma. To Dharma these “others” are called “hostels”, because their leader Jack wanted their land back.
While Locke is in this hatch, he read, and reads A LOT. Books on how to’s, what if’s, and things that can come handy, if he wasn’t in the damn chair. Also, the more Locke heard of the outside world, he would add to this map on one of the blast doors. Also, Locke finds some composition books and decides to write a journal and make some lists and describes some of the people on the island.
What Locke heard was that these “hostels” were part of this experiment from the Hanso Foundation to build the perfect life. But Hanso got sick, lost all his money and the investors involved of Apollo Foods and Oceanic Airlines pulled out. Hanso was forced to give the island to the government who built these hatches, where Locke is living. The government started a program called Dharma. But in time, Mittelos Bioscience decides to take over and hand over some money to the experiment. Also they know woman who can help make “things happen”, like women having babies by “immaculate conceiving.” Giving the “hostels” an incentive to keep their island, and make life better for living.
He hears the “hostels” are “good” people though, but want their island to themselves. The hostels also hear Dharma tell their members to wear radioactive suits because of the sickness outside. It was too much for Jack to take, and he wants what was theirs. He tells “Him”, a man named Tom, he will get their land back, and not to worry.
If Locke’s information is true, then what he heard was Jack started something called the Purge. For Jack, Dharma and these “hostels” could not live on the island together, and the hostels had a plan of their own on the island, a better way of living. But, in the Purge, many people died, but the surviving members of Dharma were told “as long as you don’t cross our line (a line of metallic posts what will kill anyone who passes) we have a truce.”
Then one day Locke hears a plane crashed on the island, and that’s where Locke’s life changed. In time some of the survivors of the plane crash come into the hatch needing help and food. Being stuck in the chair, Locke isn’t able to help anyone an discover what’s out there. He also realizes he has been lied to, and that there was no sickness, or quarantine in the outside world. Might Locke have been lied to this WHOLE time of other things? Thoughts of not pushing the numbers anymore come across Locke’s mind. Locke keeps writing in his journals and makes descriptions of everyone, kind of making more lists.
In the next month he hears this guy Boone, found a way to get them off the island with a distress call. Also, this “boy” Boone killed one of the Hostels to save a pregnant girl, the info gets back to the Hostels, and they blame it on Dharma. Boone finally gets a connection to the outside world and the plane crash survivors are saved. BUT, Locke is still strapped to a chair. Boone and the survivors are saved, but without this woman Kate and this man Sayid. They meet the Hostels, forcing Mikhail to go with them. But, sad news is Kate and Sayid were killed, (or Kate falls for Jack?) and from that pivotal point, Locke STOPS pushing numbers. He’s DONE! Done seeing so much pain and suffering on this island. The countdown clock goes to zero and the hatch explodes with Locke in it. The sky turns purple and sends out a HUGE electromagnetic pulse onto the whole island.
Locke is okay, but still has no legs, and nowhere to live now. No chair to sit, or move around. In time though, some people show up to see what the explosion was. Locke can only imagine these are the Hostels. But one Hostel in particular, let’s just say, it was Locke’s destiny to meet. Jack Shepherd, prior to being on the island was a spinal surgeon with his father in California. They both got hired on by the Hanso Foundation and were both asked to work for Avar Hanso on the island.
Jack tells Locke, he can fix his spine, but afterwards, after healing, you will have to leave our island. They take Locke to their community and fix him up right away. While Locke is healing, someone comes to visit Locke, someone he hasn’t seen since he left. Someone by the name of Ben, his brother. Brother Ben apologizes to Locke for never telling him, he was part of this Hanso Experiment. Plus, he tells Locke of the horrible work Jack has been doing as a leader, and Ben needs to take over. Locke is at his wits end and is so sick of EVERYONE lying to him. Family, work, Dharma, and now Ben. Locke gets better and can walk, it’s time for him to be sent off, and Ben takes him to this submarine and while in there, Ben talks Locke into helping him take over. Locke is done with everyone and everything and just wants to get home. Then in time, Locke is home and one day HITS HIS HEAD!
SEASON ONE – Locke wakes up and totally confused on why he has woken up, and woken by a plane that has crashed. Also, Locke can STILL move his legs. He is okay! But while everything seems okay, he sees Jack Shepherd and Boone helping some of these familiar faces from the plane crash when he was in the hatch. But, Locke thinks about it and realizes that it IS THAT plane crash. Locke went back to it. And is now part of it.
Locke realizes that he has this chance to do it all over again, but this time he CAN help and will do anything to go his way and see his brother again. The one thing Locke needs to do is go back to the Pearl and see if it’s still there. He knows that Boone was the leader from the crash last time and asks him to help out. Boone was first to help that dying lady Joanna from drowning, got the distress call to work, was first to say he’d help Claire from Ethan, so Boone would be Locke’s right-hand man. BUT, Just to make sure Boone is fit, Locke “tests” him to see if Boone would turn the other cheek and leave. One day when Locke and Boone are going to find Claire and Locke tests him with the “rains” and Boone insists he stays with Locke. Boone also says “What rain?” and within seconds rain pours down on the two, as if LOCKE HAS BEEN THERE BEFORE! As Boone passes the test, Locke throws a flashlight at Boone and we hear this CLANG. Flashlight meets “the Hatch” door. Bone is into helping Locke open it and they become great friends.
One day, Locke puts Boone up to the ultimate test, and ties him up, and leaves him a knife. A simple knot he learned while reading in the hatch prior to the bump on the head. Boone gets out of the “test” and goes to kill Locke. Locke is assured and now Boone is brainwashed into helping Locke. But in time, Boone is helping other crash members, and still in love with Shannon, and there was only one thing to do, but kill him, since he would get them off the island.
Locke opens the hatch and spends more time with Kate, Jack and Hurley. But one person that is not connecting to Locke, is this Hurley guy.
SEASON 2 - While in the Hatch, Locke feels “at home.” They met this guy Desmond who is now working for the Dharma Initiative. Locke begins to push the numbers again and Desmond leaves, leaving Locke to go back to work.
In time, Ben comes to the hatch to see his brother, and this seals the deal that his brother is there. Ben tells Locke he is there to see him, and Locke then shows Ben the map on the back of the blast door. In this time, the blast door crushes Locke’s leg and Ben helps him by going to push the button. Following the revelation of Ben's deception, Locke was thrown into a state of self-doubt when Ben claimed that he never pushed the button and that nothing happened. Why wouldn’t the numbers work with Ben? Ben escapes thanks to the help of Michael, and Locke knew that if Ben got away, once he stops pushing the numbers, he will see him again.
Jack though, sees things differently and builds an “army” to get the to “others.” Sounds all to familiar to Locke since Jack started an army prior to this plane crash as the leader of the hostels, I mean “others.”
On “that” day though, Locke tells Eko he will no longer push the numbers. Locke never wants Sayid or Kate to die, and also knows he needs them to get to his brother again. So, Desmond gets locked up in the room with Locke, and Eko and Charlie (military call signs) get caught in the hallway down there. When the numbers go to zero, Desmond realizes that he crashed the plane they were on, and Locke gets nervous thinking, he might be wrong about all this. It’s like surgery, you know it will be okay, but WHAT IF something goes wrong? Desmond goes to hit the failsafe key, and tells Locke, “See you in another life brotha!” and YES YOU WILL! Locke’s life!
Eko finally breaks in and Locke tells Eko, “I was wrong!” Wrong? Can’t solve that one yet!
SEASON 3 - When the hatch explodes Charlie and Eko will switch lives, meaning the island has this feeling Charlie is going to die, but it’s Eko. Also, Desmond and Locke switch lives, meaning, now Desmond has this power to bend time and space by bumping his head. Like Locke was able to do, when he blew the hatch before the plane crash.
“See you in another life brotha” actually, meant JUST THAT. Desmond, since he realized what he had, uses it. But Locke being the “Man Of Faith” didn’t know he can bend space and time, and never really needed to. He had been there already. So Desmond can see things happen and bumps his head to fix things.
Locke gets Kate and Sayid ready for the their trip and with Eko’s cane, Locke takes them to see Mikhail. Mikhail tells Syayid, we made an agreement, “I didn’t cross the line, we made a truce!” Meaning, after the Purge, Jack and Dharma made an agreement, stay on your side, we’ll stay on ours.
Mikhail remembers Locke, but they keep things quiet. While hanging out at the Flame, Locke meets a computer and starts playing with it. But from what we’ve seen (and what I heard from fans) was Locke was not in his element. He seemed out of sorts. It’s because he’s not Locke, he’s got Desmond in him. Locke knows more then we think though, and uses Mikhail’s computer to get to it. When Locke hears a brawl in the other room, he knows Kate and Sayid are okay they won’t die until they get to the Hostels anyway. BUT, this is time when Locke can look out for himself and pick up some essentials. Like C-4!
Locke then sees a familiar face once again, Bea Klugh and KNOWS she is a “hostel.” Mikhail then kills her and they set off on their journey to Hostel Land. Locke knows prior to all this Mikhail who is who got Sayid and Kate killed, so he takes it upon himself to kill Mikhail and get into Hostel Territory.
NEXT FEW WEEKS ON LOST - While inside the Barracks, Kate meets the true side of Jack. A brutal leader, and someone who is where he belongs. She realizes Jack wasn’t the right one for her, but Jack then wants her back. She goes to Sawyer.
Danielle Rousseau sees her daughter and connects with her, but later to be killed by a confused and brainwashed Karl.
Sayid, who has no reason to be there, dies.
Locke sees his brother Ben and the truth WILL come out. Ben will explain how he tried (lying to Locke) to save his life and the military sent him to the island. Ben wanted Locke on the island and to be part of the Hostels/Others, but this man Jack wouldn’t listen and he was an evil man, killing people left and right. Ben tells Locke that he’ (Ben) would be a better leader and to get RID of Jack.
Jack becomes to used to this new way of life and Juliet insists they stay for a few weeks/months and do what they say. In time we can leave together on the submarine and start a new life. Something gets in the way though, Christian Shepherd. Christian tells Jack, this is the way they live and what does Jack have outside of island. Juliet has a HUGE life outside of the island, and that’s her sister and niece, she NEEDS to get back to. Jack realizes he LOVES Juliet and wants t go with her. But, Locke is scared Jack would tell the outside world of their plans, so puts the C-4 on the submarine and kills Juliet and Jack. SEASON FINALE
SEASON 4 – Rebirth of Avar Hanso, Hostels under new management, drama with the Losties.
Sorry, so sloppy! But this was written so quick and if you know me, written how I explain things. But, I hope this makes sense, and please tell me what you think. I will do more more more predictions TONIGHT after this episode.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
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